Part 26 (dark cacoa kingdom)

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Today was the day the citizens found a weakness to their general, the all mighty all-powerful person controlling and executing whoever and whomever he chooses, This was the chance for the people to save themselves from future losses of children, mothers, daughter, sons, and fathers.

This was the only hope that they had gotten in what felt like centuries. The ultimate rule of the general and the horror stories passed down from generation to generation over the years and years of the generals rule over the people of the Dark Cacoa Kingdom, the executions and endless war the people had to withstand over the centuries of torture and torment.

They were no longer peasants that worship the ground the general touches. They had something to torture and torment him as much as he tortured and tormented them, and they were not going to let this chance wither away and die it was time for action it was time for change it was time for rebellion.

So that is exactly what the people did they rebled against the general and his ultimate rule over the people. They burned the homes that his faithful citizens lived in and killed anything that escaped, and then they would move on. One by one, homes burned, children were killed, and mothers were slain. It was not anymore a rebellion it was just hurt and hate directed at the wrong people they were doing exactly what they were rebelling against, what narcissist.

As the people showed no mercy killing whoever and whomever they had chosen to target. They had final found their final target, the generals lover(aka you).

As they stormed the mansion that the general lived in, what they didn't expect was the general being prepared for their "ambush" as the general killed all who dared to disrupt his home and his alone time with you.

What he didn't expect was you watching on in horror...
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-325 words-

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