Part 28 (dark cacoa kingdom)

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You slept on those thoughts and came up with a brilliant idea. When the general isn't around, we can just walk out of this place, okay, maybe a run, and about the clothing, just ask for it, and if Mr. Grump asks why we can just say it's soooo cold, and I'm freezing my toes off, so can I please have a nice fuzzy jacket.

I know I'm terrible for using his affection for me as a way to get shit to run away, but I'm a girl with needs, okay, and Mr. Grump is actually really fucking scary.

So you did exactly what you planned to do. You asked for stuff that you would need for your escape, and if he asked you why, you just came up with a bullshit excuse to get him off your tail. When the time came that you had everything for your escape, the general asked you a... important question....

You were there for a couple of years, just gathering like a little squirrel, not knowing of someone's growing affection until he decided to ask you to marry him... what the actually fuck I mean yes I've been here like four years making sure when you asked for something it was not right after the last one but like. You were weirded out in that situation. The runaway bride look still fresh in your memory, and you just weren't feeling looking like that again like that was a one-time look okay.

Then again, you still needed to answer the question, and you just said, Like a dumb ass, "I'll answer you tomorrow."That gives you tonight to run away, and if you don't make the deadline, you'll end up looking like the last time you ran away a bloody runaway bride just fucking great I'm doomed...
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-384 words-

Okay, I need to know if should we stop at this yander and go meet up with ginger brave, or should we go and make stardust cookie a yander or not?

I'm leaving this decision up to you, and ima need an answer for this, so I'll give you four days, give or take.

if I don't end up getting an answer, then I'm just going to make this the last yander. ♡♡♡

-Love y'all-

Thx for the support.

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