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An unfamiliar place
Can't find your state of grace
To be wandering about
To be screaming inside and out

Being lost means you were once found
But you just lost your way around
Being lost isn't too far, though
You just found a certain way to go

If they truely care for you
They will see you through
They will help you find yourself
Pick you up from your dusty shelf

I should know
I found someone to help me know where to go
It gets better, I promise you
I should know, I was lost, too

"If you're lost you can always be found. Know you're not alone, cuz I'm gonna make this place your home."
-"Home" Phillip Phillips

A/N: I just wanted to let any of you cupcakes know that if you need to talk, I am here. I know what it feels like to be so low you don't want to even look at yourself in the mirror. You are amazing, even though I don't know you, you are. Again, I am here.

Love from,

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