Sky Full of Stars

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my brain is like a sky full of stars.
some thoughts shine bright, ongoing.
others are dim, dying.

and in between those thoughts, is nothingness.
dark, cold, no air.
and if anyone else were to visit for more than a few minutes, they'd cease to exist.

but to an outsider, someone who's never been to space, i am beautiful.
i am a mystery.
i am wondrous.

people wish on me.
and i try my best to fulfill those wishes
but you'll make the same wish every night so i guess i didn't do a very good job.

people forget that all i am is a sky full of hot, fiery balls of gas waiting to explode like a time bomb.
people forget that when i eventually do explode, all i will be is a black hole.

but in the fiery balls of gas, is my life.
my thoughts.
my passions.
the things that make me angry.
the things that make me happy.
the things that scare me.

in these unpredictable, unstable balls of gas, is me.
it's not beautiful, it's not perfect, but it's me.
and eventually im going to explode.

my brain is a sky full of stars.
so, really, you should go.

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