Just Keep Swimming

45 4 1

These words may seem insignificant and small
But I don't know what to do, not at all
I want to stop the pain
But it comes down, like rain

So what can I do?
I want to help you
What do I say?
I hate to see you this way

I'll be the one listenin'
I'll be here, through thick and thin.
I know, it's hard to not fake a smile
I've been that way too, for a while.

Just writing this now
Is nerve wrecking somehow
I don't want to push you
But I want you to know something, too:

We all feel bad. Sometimes, we don't want to get up and go to school or work or wherever, in fear that somebody might judge us, or say you aren't cool enough, or bring you down. Sometimes, it's voices inside your head telling you that you aren't good enough. But you are. Every single one of you, and your family, friends, enimes, we all deserve to be happy. Ignore the voices in your head, however loud they might be screaming. I promise, it will be okay. The people saying you aren't good enough will leave your life eventually. The voices in your head will only hurt you if you believe them. Just keep swimming. I promise it'll be okay.


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