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A/N: this is basically a super-rant just letting you know.

From the day we were born, we've all experienced stereotypes. Pink baby blankets for girls, blue baby blankets for boys.

Obviously, nurses couldn't ask our favorite color and get a reply. So, we instantly got thrown into stereotypes.

And even now, these stereotypes are still around. Though feminists are becoming more and more popular for both guys and girls, (and other genders what up?) harsh assumptions are made on us.

Who says I have to play with Barbie dolls?

Who says I have to wear makeup?

Who says I can't play as hard as the boys?

And who says guys have to love sports?

Who says guys can't have a good fashion sense without being classified as "gay" instantly?

I for one, am not going to let these expectations ruin my life. I'm happy with who I am. I think, I'll just stick with what I like. And if other girls like it, too, that's nice.

Don't let society control you.


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