...here goes nothing...

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A/N: Helloooooo cupcakes...soooo I was kinda inspired by PercyRinJackson's "Life" (seriously it is poetry you should check it out)
and I decided I would put some of my own in here as well...sooooo yeeeaahhh here goes nothing....

Honestly...I've tried writing this 500 times...each time trying to spout out something wise or tearjerking about life.

Look. I just want you guys to know that you. You are amazing. You are beautiful. You are smart. You are...wonderful. And you might think the exact opposite, but why? Because you aren't as pretty as that one girl in school? You aren't as athletic as that girl on the varisity team? You aren't as smart as that guy in all the AP classes?

Here's the secret: dont compare yourself to others. That one pretty girl you envy? She spends all morning trying to get her makeup perfect. That sports girl? She has to live up to the expectations of her coaches, which are impossibly high. That smart guy? He has to feel the pressure of his parents, teachers, and some peers to ever good grades.

What I'm saying is, don't hate yourself because you view others as "perfect". Because they aren't. Don't hate your body because it doesn't look like some girls on the cover of a magazine. Don't think your stupid because you aren't as smart as the guy in AP classes.

If you just try as hard as you can, you are your own "perfect". Don't compare yourself to others. Because they are trying to be as funny as you, or as good a singer as you, or have good friends like you do. So...as cheesy as it sounds...be yourself. And don't hate it. Love it.


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