15 Things

31 3 3

A/N: this one is a bit different than Everything About Us because it doesn't rhyme but still...hope you like it! Also thank you guys so much for reading we are at 250+ views!!!

Dedicated to PercyRinJackson

15) Wendy's.

14) Cuddle Monster

13) <---This Number in General.

12) Tickle Monster

11) Blue Food.

10) Middle Names.

9) Baby Names

8) Marriage

7) Peanut

6) Movie and Cuddle Nights

5) Pillow Fights

4) Our Facial Expressions

3) Our Make Ups

2) Forever

and lastly

1) Always

(P.S I love you more because this so...:P)

A/N Sorry to everyone else if this is too sappy...haha it's staying here.

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