ranting. deal with it.

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So, as any teenage girl would do, today I scrolled through Facebook. I saw the mom of Justice, my aunt, and scrolled through her page. I saw so many things about Justice, that I went to his page. (Probably wasn't the best idea I've had all day but...)

So many people miss him. So many people want him back here. So many people just wish he was here. Including me.

But. There's always that one person. That can't wait to bring him down. "To be honest, your creepy and useless."

How. Dare. You.

You. You might have thrown him over the edge. You might have been the one that pushed him to take his own life. If it was you who took one of my first playmates away from me, you had better watch out.

He had so much going for him.

Cupcake, if you're reading this right now, just know that I ADORE you. I love you so much. You are beautiful. Things won't be this way forever. This is the dark before the dawn.

Please, don't leave this world like Justice did. Think about how awful your mom would feel, seeing you dead. Think about how your friends will feel. Think about it. Please please please. I need all of you. I love all of you.
You'll be okay. It'll be okay.

PoemsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora