ranting. deal with it. (part TWO!)

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It's amazing what a polite smile hides.

Yeah we all know how it goes.

Little kids playing/fighting with each other

Teenagers swimming, texting, or listening to music

Adults talking, sometimes drinking

Elderly people doing whatever old people do...
(Guys I have an irrational fear of old people...stop. stop looking at me like that. Yeah I know it's stupid.)

And then, there's me. I don't really fit anywhere in the family.
I try bouncing between all the age groups, but none really seems right. So...I'm alone. Mom didn't let me bring my phone, so I was even more alone.

So...I was left to my own thoughts.

Justice should be here.

His best friend is here.
His nephew is here.
His sister is here.
His mom is here.

Nothing felt the same without him here.

I've been to a lot of picnics since April 22, 2013. But this one, this one I needed him here.

Because I felt alone.

But I'm going to be strong.
For him.
For my darling.
For you.

Thanks for helping me feel like I'm not alone.

Love you guys.

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