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Hey guys!!! I've decided it's time for a real update...so here it is.

I'm a Warrior. I've gone through bullying, rejection, depression, and abandonment, and I've survived. Even in the times where I didn't want to.

It's all because I have someone very special to me who loves me and wants to see me happy. (Love you, Sunshine Child)

Cupcake, I hope you surroned yourself with the best people you can find. Fill your life with people who see how special you are. People who see that your beautiful, inside and out.

Find your Sunshine Child

I hope you're doing good today. I hope you had a great day and that your best friends all talked gossip about everyone and you loved it, or your significant other wore a paper hat, ( ;) )or you made a new friend.

I hope tomorrow you find your Sunshine Child.

Sweet dreams,
Love Anna <3

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