Chapter 1: Hannah

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"You weirdo!"

Jake looked at me and then back at Sarah. "What'd I do this time?"

"Who warms their tea with a microwave? You're supposed to use a kettle!"

"Woah," I interrupted, "We're in the middle of a cafe drinking coffee. Why are you all of a sudden talking about tea?"

"Because coffee is the same as tea! Well not, the same same, but, like, you know. They're the same... kinda."

Jake scoffed. "Coffee is the same as tea? And you dare call me weirdo? You know, Sarah, you're kinda starting to get on my nerves!"

"And you never stopped getting on my nerves!"

It was now that I began to zone out. I had already had enough of the both of them. Apparently, they'd been friends since they were three. I met them when we were eleven. Considering I always need to intervene in their arguments before blood gets spilled, it's a miracle the two of them survived the eight years I wasn't in the picture.

"Guys!" I couldn't take it anymore.


"Shut up. The two of you. Before I make you guys shut up."


"What? But what, Sarah?" I didn't mean to sound so intimidating.

"But... nothing."

I felt like cursing at myself when I saw Sarah holding her head down upset. Jake looked unfazed as usual but it was clear I made things awkward.

I'll apologise when I drop her off at work.

I cleared my throat. "So, Jake, anything interesting planned for today?"

"No. I mean, new employee is starting. I don't know if that classifies as interesting but it's something, I guess."

It was a dumb question. I knew it when I said it. Today is Monday.

Absolutely nothing happens on a Monday.

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