Chapter 11: Jack

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"Why do you have to be so rude? Sarah? Hello? Am I the only one that can hear me talking?"

"I hear you."

"So say something." She didn't say anything. Instead, she continued to fiddle with the zipper on her bag.

"Look at me, Sarah. Please." She didn't look. Instead, she still continued to fiddle with the same, old, stupid zipper on her bag.

I had enough. I grabbed the bag, threw it across the bed, pulled her up and grabbed her shoulders.

"Sarah, please stop. You're scaring me." She just looked at me with a glazed look in her eyes. I felt my heart break into a million pieces.

I pulled her closer to me and gave her the biggest hug I've ever given anyone ever. "Oh, Sarah..."

I heard her sniffing over my shoulder, so I can only assume she began to cry. I, too, began to cry.

We were both heartbroken but at least we were heartbroken together. It became almost therapeutic after a while. All the stress and pressure I didn't even know I had seemed to be washed away by my tears.

Then all of a sudden she stopped. She pushed me away from her.

"Go. I don't wanna see you right now."

"But, Sarah..."

She began to scream. "Go! I said I don't wanna see you right now!"

"Why?" I, unfortunately, began to raise my volume too.

"Because I like you!"

I could tell she immediately wanted to take her words back.

"Just go. Please. If you care about me at all, or have even the tiniest bit of compassion in your heart, you would apologise for all those years you led me on by leaving me alone and in peace."

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