Chapter 10: Lily

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It was clear Sarah didn't want me there. Heck, I didn't want me there. I took time off work for this? I left, having given the humidifier to Jack. Got it cheap on eBay, not a penny over £5.


Well, hello, hello, looky what we have here. Is this Hannah talking to me? I thought they'd be too scared for that.

"We need to talk." They said. I'll admit the confidence startled me.

"No. We don't. You want to talk. There's a difference."

"You hate me, don't you?"

"Only 'cause you hate me."

"I don't hate you. If I did, I would have told them."

"Then you're scared of me."

Complete silence on that one.

"Can I go now?" This conversation was annoying me. And I hate being annoyed.

"I'm sorry."

"What for?"

"For everything."

"Everything was a long time ago. I'm trying to move on with my life."

"Glad to hear that." They smiled and for once it seemed genuine.

"You've got a nice smile. You should do that more often." And with that I left.
But, in a moment of weakness I turned around and said, "You're not gonna tell them, are you?"

"Only if you promise me that you really have changed and that you don't have any hard feelings left against me."

I nodded feebly and left.

I can't change. I don't wanna change.

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