Chapter 28: Sarah

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My clothes were sprawled out all over my bedroom. I took out every item of clothing I had in my wardrobe, chest and tallboy. I was going to rearrange them just as I did with the cutlery, so by size and colour. The smaller items would go in the tallboy, the medium in the chest and larger in the wardrobe.

But what was that at the back of the closet?

Hannah's diary.

I remember I had placed it there because I knew I would forget about it and therefore would keep my promise.

Shouldn't I read it now? They said I could if anything happens, and then they went missing. Surely that counts, right?

I was horrified.

The diary entries mostly spoke of how sadistic and apathetic Lily was. How could she enjoy stabbing two people like that for no reason?
However the thing that scared me most was Hannah talking about how scared they were. They never get scared.

Then there was the newest diary entry, where they talked to me specifically.

Dear Sarah,

This is more of a letter than an entry.

You don't know this but... Lily is my sister. She is the reason mum and I had to move towns and schools because my parents were scared she was going to kill me. I was the one that told the police that she killed Beth and Charlie, and the reason she spent 13 years in juvie. I don't think she has truly forgiven me for that and I, honestly, haven't forgiven myself either. This is what I couldn't tell you that time in the hospital room and why I ran away.

I'm so worried about Jake. She probably does like Jake. In fact, she could love him. But that's what I'm worried about. Love, hate- it's all the same to her. Her love is sick and twisted, and, unlike me, he may not live to tell the story.

Ever since we were younger, Lily has never been a good liar. She was good at hiding the truth but never her emotions. If someone insulted the murderer of Beth and Charlie (a.k.a her), she would crucify that person. If anyone felt grief or pity for the victim, they would be crucified just the same. She did the same thing with Jake today, when he started insulting the "Wandering Woe" (the serial killer that's been going around town- I know, it's a dumb name, right?) That's why I believe she is the serial killer.

I'm going to go to her house to confront her. Her address is 234, Moreland Way, Merry Centre, ME4 C65.  I know what you're thinking, 'dumb decision, call the police' but I can't really call the police without evidence. What if I report Lily and it turns out that she really did change and was trying to move on but can't because now her reputation is ruined? I can't risk putting her through that if she's innocent.

If it turns out she really is the killer, there's no way she'll let me live. That's exactly why I will ask you to hang out with me tonight. That will make it much more obvious if I suddenly go missing. I hope you'll remember to read this then. I hope future murders can be prevented. 

Don't worry. I really don't mind dying. Even though it's been four years already, I still miss mum. I want to see her again. I never got to say goodbye to Dad before his heart attack. I want to see him again too.

Whether she is or isn't the murderer, I will win either way. If you're reading this, it means that the former is true and I am probably already dead.

Don't cry for me. I don't deserve it. Goodbye.

I just stood there for a second.
Hannah and Lily are sisters? Since when?
More importantly, is Hannah really dead? It can't be, I refuse. Lily isn't the serial killer. She's bad but she's not that bad. Nobody's that bad.

I called Jake. No reply.
Come on, Jake. The one time.

I called one more time. Still no reply. I decided I really don't have time for this.

I took a quick look at the address and made a run for it. I started looking for buses that ran to that area and a familiar name kept coming up.

Eltam road.

The elevator took forever, my legs took forever but I was going to make it. Just cross the road and make it to the bus stop. Don't stop, Sarah. Don't stop. Keep running. Don't stop.

I stopped.

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