Chapter 32: Jake

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The joy I feel when I get home from work it's something I just can't describe.
I put my phone on charge and just waited for it to power back on.

2 miss calls from Sarah
10 miss calls from Mrs Johnson
5 miss calls from Mr Johnson

Did something happen? Why were the entirety of the Johnson family calling me so many times? I instinctively called Sarah.

No response.

Okay. I called Mrs Johnson.

They responded and I wish they didn't.

"Mrs Johnson?"

On the other side, all I could hear was crying. No. Not crying. Bawling.

"What's wrong? Is everything okay?"

I heard Mr Johnson come on the phone. It was evident he had been crying too but he seemed more consolable.

"Sarah's dead. She got hit by a car and died at the scene. The doctors pronounced her dead at 14:17."

I hung up the phone and sat down. I turned on the telly. The Office was on at my favourite part.

Michael is just screaming, "No, God! No, God, please no!"

I began laughing just like I usually do. I didn't stop laughing for a good five minutes. How could a show that aired about twenty years ago create a script that perfectly summed up all the thoughts that were swirling in my head.

No, God! No, God, please no!

I picked up the phone and looked at the missed call from Sarah.

I'm never gonna get that call back.

I went to contacts and called Lily.

"What do you want?"

"Someone who will stop me from doing something I regret."

LilyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora