Chapter 33: Lily

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I didn't smile when Jake told me that Sarah died. God knows I wanted to, but I held it back. It's funny how things work out. I genuinely was going to leave Sarah alone but I suppose the universe had other plans.

"Don't cry, Jake." I rubbed his back. That seemed like something people who actually cared would do in this situation.

"How can I not? First Hannah goes missing, now Sarah. I mean..." He got up and walked to the window dramatically like he was on TV.


"What kind of friend am I? I always knew I was useless and worthless but, I mean, this is a whole other kind of redundant, don't you think?"


"I can't even protect my friends. The friends that rely and depend on me just like I do them. They're both gone. One forever and one-"

"Could you shut up? What's the point of asking me to come here if you won't let me get a word in edgeways?" He stared at me blankly.

"I'm sorry Jake I didn't mean it like-"

"No, no. You're right." As he was trying to sit back down on the couch he ended up positioning himself between me and the table I placed my bag on.

I grabbed him and hugged him. "Cry, Jake. Cry for as long as you want and need."

He began to sob and weep and bawl like a baby which hurt my ears. I sneakingly put my arm forward and put my hand in my bag.

I found it. The knife.

You didn't think I was going to let him get away so easily, did you?. He humiliated me and now he asks for me to console him? What does he take me for?

I held the knife above his back with him still in his temperament and none the wiser. I don't know why I'm like this. I don't why I enjoy hurting the people that, deep down, I love so much. Why do I always let anger take over?

My hands began to shake.

No. I'm going to finish what I started. Then run away like I always do.

Like I'm going to do.

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