Chapter 31: Hannah

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I heard her footsteps down the stairs. I sat there with a blank expression on my face which obviously annoyed her because her smug smile disappeared the minute she saw me.

"Why aren't you trying to escape?"

"It only took me thirty seconds to realise it was a Zeppelin Knot. If it doesn't come loose under the weight of a hiker dangling in mid-air, my feeble hands aren't going to be of any use."

She looked pretty unimpressed by the anti-climax "So, what now?"

"Now, I die. Just as you said."

"What you choosing?"

"What do you think is best?"

"Well, hanging would be best for me because I get to watch you suffer for around three minutes. But, for you, probably the hammer."

"Why the hammer?"

"Stabbing is a lot of pain and it takes a while to bleed out and die from the internal and external wounds. With a hammer, I can just smash your head and the job's done. It's also therapeutic for me to release anger."

"Hammer it is then."

I guess Sarah forgot about the diary. My plan didn't work after all. Wait... Sarah!

"Wait!" Lily already had hammer in hand, ready to get rid of me.


"Sarah. You said that it was both me and Sarah that caused relationship issues. What will you do to Sarah?"

"Nothing. I've already done enough."

"What'd you mean?"

"The fire in the shopping centre. It was me."


"Yep. Sarah was being a jerk to me so I decided to teach her a lesson by setting fire to her workplace. It was simple, really. Just had to go to the back with some rubber gloves and fiddle with some wires and... bam! Fire! The death and injury of her beloved friends was a bonus. So I'll let that be her punishment. I can't say I'll do the same for Jake though."

"Don't you dare touch Jake!" I began moving in any and all directions, praying I would suddenly be free.

"Oh look at you squirming on your little seat. Sure sucks to be you right now."

"You are a sick individual."

"Thank you." She swung the hammer at my head and both me and the chair fell to the ground, where I hit my head again. I looked directly in front of me and took in the surroundings. The rough, jagged texture of the walls. The wooden table that looked like it had seen better days. Lily's boots that were embellished and bejewelled. Lily's face...

Lily's face?

She got down on the floor and layed next to me, whispering , "I wanted to be the last thing you see. Goodnight."

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