Chapter 13: Hannah

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I finally found it. This is the diary that I started when I was 5 but never finished writing until I was 10. This is the diary that holds the secrets of my childhood.

Dear diary,

It Sunday. Lily hurt doggy then try hurt me too. Mummy and Daddy stopped her, but she pulled my hair and hit me with the dog blood on her hand. Then Mummy took me for a long bath.

Dear diary,

I falled off the trampoline and breaked foot. Lily laughed. We went to doctor and Lily say I deserve fall and that it funny. It really hurt. I now wear a white thingy called a cast. Lily still laugh and poke it.

It took me a while but I finally reached the entry I'd been looking for.

Dear diary,

2nd June 2011. I had to do it. I didn't want to, but I had to. I never told you but me and Lily were walking down the street from the park at about 7 o'clock last week when we saw Beth from school. Lily hates Beth's gut and the feeling is more than mutual so I expected them to give each other a few dirty looks and go about their day (or I suppose night), but they didn't. Beth tried to but Lily stopped. She stopped walking and went inside her bag. I didn't know what she was doing and I didn't really care either until she pulled out a knife. Before either me or Beth could react, the knife was already halfway through Beth's stomach. She pulled it out and let Beth fall to the floor in pain. It was then that Callum, her boyfriend, came from behind us (from the park) and ran to her side. I stood still just watching this all unfold. Then Lily, as if she was possessed, plunged the knife into Callum's back as he sat over Beth. I don't know what satisfaction it gave her but she then continued to stab Callum over and over again, only ever pausing to take a stab at Beth and then go right back to Callum. It was the most cruel, vile and disgusting thing I had ever seen in my entire life. And I just stood there. Not daring to breathe too loudly. She then turned to me and pointed the knife right at my throat and said "You say anything to anyone, and you will no longer be my sister. You will be my enemy and you know what happens to my enemies." She then handed me the knife like a toddler bored with a toy, picked her bag off the ground and continued walking.

It was on the news. Mum and Dad began to condemn the killer not knowing that she was sitting right next to them. At times it felt as though Lily wanted to get caught as she would always say things like "Have some sympathy, you don't know what the killer was feeling at the time" and "You guys act as if you never made a mistake before."

I wasn't going to say anything. I was too scared to. But what scared me even more was what I could become if I didn't tell anyone. I eventually told Dad and he told Mum who then called the police. She's been arrested and they keep talking about things like 'Juvenile Detention' and Siko Syco 'Psycopathy?' I don't know how to spell it.

I don't see her a lot but when I do she looks like she wants to kill me and it scares me. Mum says it's okay. She says that me and her are going to move to another city while Dad takes care of things here.

I'm scared. I'm really scared.

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