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I am fucking exhausted. I only slept for 1 hour and now i'm here. At the airport because of a bastard who is my father. I never liked him and i'll never like him. He was only a sperm donor and because of that he got a tag of dad which he never deserved. He only thinks of money and wealth.

He told me that we have a meeting in London related to business . I never wished to carry my father's business further but because of consequences and to teach that son of a bitch a lecture here i'm. He's coming towards me all dressed up like a man and...

He's not alone.

A cunt is hanging on his arms. KIMBERLY WINDSOR.

Both the douchebags are laughing at some shit joke absolutely. I wasn't ready for this bullshit.

"Hey son! Why are you watching us like we killed your cat." he laughed. I narrow my eyes at him which made him stop laughing on his shit joke. I'm better then him in this game and he knows that.

You taught me to be heartless dad, and now you have to deal with the consequences.

He destroyed me. My life. My mum's life. But this asshole never have regret for any of those things and this thought alone makes me so angry that if I have a chance right now to kill him i'll do that within seconds.

"I don't have enough time for your fucking greeting or shit jokes. Let's just complete the meeting without any delay." I was always straight forward I don't give a fuck about what others will think. I looked at Kimberly who is smiling at me. "why she's here?"

"Hey baby! I really missed you." she came close to me try to touch me. One second, her hand was on my forearm and the next second her hand was behind her back. "Ahh" she screamed and I smiled. It's not that I like to hurt women. I just don't like cunts. " Stay away from me sweetheart otherwise your father will see you in pieces." After that I pushed her.

It has been one hour now since I'm here. At the airport and I'm out of my mind. I got up from the couch and went outside to get some fresh air before my flight. I don't what's my father's reason to go London but I'm definitely sure its something bullshit. As I was watching rising sun, I felt like something hit  me.
or someone.

When I saw who it was, my heart skipped a beat and I almost forgot how to breath.


She was so beautiful. Like a fairy. She looked like a goddess.
Vulnerable to touch.
Her skin looking so soft. Her face with those full lips which will loop good while wrapped around....


Her hair were like silky waves which were highlighted. I can't guess how much time did God took to create this woman. Her hazel eyes makes her facial features look so innocent soul. I got an electric shock directly to my cork.


"I'm so sorry, I didn't see you coming." She apologised in her soft voice, her accent a bit different. But before I could respond to her or ask her name, she was gone.


She didn't even wait for me to respond.

But from now onwards I know one thing...

I would love to chase her.



"This deal will benefit us both." my motherfucker father is talking about the deal Devin windsor, Kimberly's father made. That dickhead is thinking I will going to marry her asshole daughter to empower ourselves. As being the son of a mafia leader I know one thing, money and muscle are the things we run for no matter what. It doesn't matter if we have to sacrifice our life or our loved ones. And my father's motive is money and power nothing else.

I'm not the leader of the Mafia yet but they should know me better that everyone calls me a monster for a reason. Moreover, my smart father thinks I'm helping him. I will destroy him just like he destroyed me.

"I'm not going to marry that cunt." I said through clenched teeth.

"You can take your time and think with a calm mind because this deal is beneficial for both of us as you will be getting a hot chic who will help you to get your dick wet." he laughed like an asshole which he is.

But I'm not paying attention to whatever bullshit he's saying because he knows me. I'm going to do whatever I want no matter how time taking it is or how hard it is. and right now, I want to find that girl and claim her as mine. The one I saw at the airport.

I don't know what is happening to me but this is for the first time in my whole life time that I want someone specially a girl to be mine. I never touched a girl but this girl? I want to raw fuck her.


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