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I woke up by the chirping of birds. Belinda instructed designer to make my room a heaven with that big window in my room, pastel colors, cozy bed, everything of my choice. I moved slightly and the covers were in direct contact with my skin but......
I removed the covers and my heart beat raced.
I'm only wearing my panty and bra. Only. But I remembered that I wore a loose t-shirt above them and now? I'm not wearing that t-shirt and the most scary part is that i'm covered in red marks. They are like hickeys. But now? Who? When?
I don't sleep deeply but-
my head hurts
I drank tequila last night to sleep and I slept deeply after that.
But who did this to me?
My stalker? That motherfucker psycho. I'm going to kill him if he would be behind all this.
But how can he come here?
I got off my bed and saw my t-shirt on the floor. I can't do this then who did that??????
I went towards the nightstand to grab my phone but-
I saw a wooden box there.
What the hell.
I grabbed that box and opened it. Sweat prickles over my skin and my face got pale and I started shivering. There are two hands which are fucking real and two eyeballs which too are real. There's a note which is covered in blood. I grab it and read it.

He touched and eyed what's mine, so he paid for it.

I knew it was my stalker. There's a dove sign at the last of the note. The bullet of panic rose in my throat. How-how can someone do this. No, this can't be true. It's just a nightmare. I pinched myself hoping it's just a nightmare but-
"ouch! it's not a nightmare." I screamed frustratedly. I grabbed my phone and saw a notification. My stalker.

*Mf psycho- I warned you, sweetheart.*

Fuck him. i'm going to kill him. No one can kill anyone for just touching. I'm not his fucking property.

*Natalia- You did this to my body, didn't you?*
*Mf psycho- Of course baby.*
*Mf psycho- I marked you as mine.*
*Natalia- Go fuck yourself. I'm not going to be yours. Never.*
*Mf psycho- We'll see.*

This psychopath.

*Natalia- if you have courage then show me who you really are. Tonight.*
*Mf psycho- Deal moon.*

wait what?
Only Brien calls me that.
Is he-no
I don't know
We are going to see who this fucker is.
Till then we'll wait.

*Natalia- Have a hell day!*

I texted him to make myself happy by provoking him.

*Mf psycho- And you are going to make it heaven tonight.*
*Mf psycho- Till then, decide do you want to come on my tongue or on my finger.*

I'm going to pour blood out of his fucking body. I'm going to kill him with my bare hands.

*Natalia- Fuck you!*

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