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*Natalia- Fuck you.*

I smiled. She was trying to provoke me and she absolutely did it. I warned her not to allow her soon to be dead date to touch her but she took my warning as a joke. Sebastian bought that Tyler to our place and I tortured him as there's no fun in killing directly. But the best part of all this was I gave hickeys to my moon possibly covering every part of her body. I claimed her as mine and I surely will get her soon. She didn't even wake up for once, that made it easier for me. And tonight I'm going to reveal that I'm her stalker, her husband.

"Hey big bro!" Asher threw a pillow at me and I catched it. He walked towards me and sat beside me on the couch.
"I got to know that you are getting married." he smirked at me and bumped his shoulder with mine. I rolled my eyes at him and growled at him. "Find someone of your age brother. Nat is mine." he smirked widely this time and I'm having an extreme urge to kill him.
"Shut up fucker and tell me why are you here? what do you want Ash?" he always roam around me but that's fine because he's interested in knowing how to run businesses and I'm his idol. He told me that. He's my brother and that's the only thing that's stopping me from scooping his eyes out of sockets.
"I'm the best bro." he's provoking me man. I stood up from the couch and walked towards the garden.
"we will see, common." he nodded at me and followed me.

we fought for almost 30 minutes. "Now tell me who's the best?" he was going to punch me in the face but I stopped his hand and used the other one to punch him.
"I'm." I screamed so he will be clear about it. He laughed. Sometimes I think he's psycho.
"Boys ! breakfast." my mother screamed from behind. I got to my room to shower and then got to kitchen to have breakfast.
"good morning, mom." I greeted her.
"Good morning Brien baby." she smiled happily. She always smile no matter what and I want her to smile like this. Always. My father destroyed her smile and I'm going to destroy him. Soon.
As I entered the kitchen, I saw everyone sitting at the dinning table except my moon. afraid?
No way she isn't afraid of anything.
But she should be afraid of me.
I'm going to corrupt her like the every devil does.
"Morning Nat! why are you looking pale like you found a dead body in your room." I turned my gaze towards her after hearing Ash's voice calling out her name. As always she is in her scrubs but looking incredibly sexy in that too. Her eyes got wide after hearing what Ash said. I smiled to myself.
"I-i am exhausted nothing else." she hesitated.
"You can take a day off if that's the case." mom showing concern, said to Natalia who's eyeing me. I shifted my whole attention to her and held her stair. She didn't sit next to me instead sat next to Ash. He smirked at me teasingly. I mouthed him. "I'll send you to the grave, fucker." which made his smirk wider. He definitely has a death wish. I shifted my attention Steffan who's looking better than yesterday. His bruises are better than before. He scrolled through his phone not giving much attention to his surroundings. He always remain quite when Ash is around but I haven't been able to find the answer. I don't know why he acts like this from last 6 months. Steffan and I were like best buddies but after we caught our dad cheating on our mom and we were the one who separated them. When we shifted after that Steffan started acting weird. He started avoiding our mom and Ash.
"I have a news for you all." Mom looked at me as then at Nat " Nat and Brien are going to get engage next week." she gave us a devilish smile. Natalia- choked on her coffee " wh-what, its too early." This news came as a complete shock to her. She looked at mom who just shrugged her shoulders.
"No honey, its not too soon. You have a complete week and that's enough as all the arrangements are my business. You have to relax only darling." Nat knows mom isn't going to listen so she just huffed and started drinking coffee eyeing me dangerously like she' going to murder me.

I can die happily if she will be the last view I see.

God! this woman is going to be the death of me.

"Brien, can I come with you to the office as I'm free and I want to know about businesses." I nodded at Ash.


"Ash I have an important meeting to attend and you cant attend it." He curiously watched me and nodded twice. I have to talk about my most important project which only William and I know about. I entered my office and there was knock on the door "come in"
" Good morning sir." William greeted me.
"I'm done with the greetings Will tell me about are project and your survey." he knows I'm very straight forward and that's the main reason why he's my right hand and the most trusted person.
"Sir, our decision is unique and excellent at the same time and according to our survey, people want commercially viable product which has to be unique. And most important is that, our design doesn't match any single design of any other company, more accurately your father's company. In conclusion, we are going to make it." Yeah that's what I wanted.
"Good. keep track about all the information regarding this project, its important and don't let anyone touch this file. For the specifics no one should know about this not even my family.
"Yes sir but when we are going to launch it." I smiled at his question.
"First cast it on television, newspapers, magazines, billboards, everywhere I want it everywhere. And we are going to launch it next week."
"okay sir." he said and then left the room and I smiled to myself.
Let the actual fun begin.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06 ⏰

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