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This is weird.
Everything is weird.
Since I landed here. Everything is weird.
My schedule.
Belinda's behaviour.
I don't know why she's acting strange but something is going on in her head and I'm curious to know that.
and the last most weirdo thing is her eldest son. BRIEN.
he's all same muscular and tall.
same creepy stare.
OH MAN! His stare always sends chill down my spine.

I started at my reflection in the mirror in my room. I'm wearing a crimson slit bodycon dress which is showing my curves perfectly. I smiled to myself in the mirror. I think I'm ready for the party. I picked my phone from the bed and left my room. I was in the corridor when a strong muscular hand grabbed me by the waist and pulled me to the side. WHAT THE FUCK!


I'm going to kill this motherfucker for sure. Before I could say something, he put his huge finger above my lips, resisting me from speaking. he stared at me right in the eye and I held his stare but then his eyes trails down over my body. Slowly like he's memorizing every curve of my body in this bodycon. his stare came back to my lips and stayed there for at least a minute. He slowly brought his lips near my ear. " I'll corrupt you." shivers roll down my spine by his whisper. I gulped down the huge lump forming in my throat and tried to find my voice but I think so my larynx stopped working but I tried anyway.
"wh-what do you want from me?" he chuckled slightly.

"you'll see." with that he left me alone there. I stand there.
Not moving. Frozen.
Still processing what he said.

He gives me scary vibes.
I have read many mafia romance books but I never believed that mafia men are that much dangerous.
am I right?
Most interesting part is, I have to stay in the same house with him.

"Natt!!!! we are getting late." I got out of my thoughts by Asher's voice. I got down stairs without thinking much about what just happened.
Aghh!!!! I need a drink.

When I got downstairs, I found Ash scrolling through his phone, wearing tuxedo, looking enormously handsome. Belinda was seating on a separate couch reading an anatomy book.
I would prefer a romance book. Nevermind.

"You look stunning, Natalia." Steffan gave me a cute smile. I smiled shyly at his compliment. Then Ash noticed me with careful eyes and he hurried towards me." You are looking so sexy babe." Ash twirled me around.
"Yes Nat you look beautiful my girl." Belinda said while giving me a sweet smile. "Enjoy!!!"

"Yeah let's go." Ash offers me his hand and I took it. When we were near the main door, I felt like someone's stare was piercing a hole in my back and I know who's that someone.
That creepy man.
Motherfucker Brien.


"You don't have any idea how much I missed you Nat. It was so annoying to work alone." Ash and I are sitting in a limo right now and it's my first time in a limo by the way.

"Me too Ash." He's the best part that happens in my life.
"Okay so tell me, how many Indian boys did you date in the past month?" He grinned and me because knows that I hate this topic so much. I hadn't dated anyone since high school. I don't date.
I hate love.
love only exists in books.
Where men actually worship their women rather than making their lives miserable.
Nowhere else.
According to me, nowhere else.
"I was joking, Nat. Actually I don't want you to date. I know I'm enough for you." he chuckled and put his one arm around my shoulder. He knows I don't like to talk about my love live (which doesn't exist).

"It's fine. As you know I don't date so zero is the answer and for the second part, I know, you are enough to annoy me. I don't want another hellion."
"A hellion. huh." He tickled me in the stomach and I laughed like a drain.


We reached the club and it's impossible to ignore the beauty of the club. It's fucking gorgeous. With all those lights and music. There are so many people dancing, singing. Asher is talking to some of his friends about I don't know what. I was bored so I went to the bar and ordered tequila. I generally don't drink as after drinking I never remembers where I'm or what's happening so I always avoid drinking but this creepy man.
I got chills by that thought. what does that mean actually?
"Hey young lady." A blonde man said with a smile on his face. He's looking like he's in his thirties.
"Hey! um-you?" Usually I don't talk to strangers other than patients.
"Kian Morgan. And you, beautiful?"
I fell disgusting. Really.
"I'm Natalia. Natalia Bhatt." He gave me a smile and was going to pull me into him by the waist but something stopped him. He caught a sight of something behind me.
Or is it someone?
Then he pulled back his hand and left with saying anything further.

what the hell just happened?

I turned to see who did that but there was no one. Before I can think further Asher pulled me by my arm. "Let's dance."

We danced, drunk, talked and it was the best night. Really.
Now we are on our to the mansion but one thing is bothering me.

"Uh-Ash do you know what Belinda wants to talk about." She never hurries to do something but this time, the case is reversed.
" I don't have any idea but one thing is for sure. It is something very urgent and important too." He gave me a curious stare for a second but then retrieved his attention from me and focused all his attention outside the limo.

I have a feeling that it's not going to be good.

love  like HELLKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat