How am I going to do it?

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Elliot Ellis's POV:
I received a phone call from one of the maid's phone numbers. After picking it up, I rushed to the hospital upon hearing the news
Ellis: Is she okay?
Ariana: Don't worry she won't die.
Doctor: Luckily she didn't get anything major, she sprinted her ankle and hit her head. She will recover fully within 1 to 2 weeks.
Ellis: Can I take her home?
Doctor: If she can walk, then of course.
Ellis: Thank you, doctor.
Doctor: You can meet her now.
( I slowly entered the room)
Adalyn: Did Mom make you worried again?
Ellis: Mom why are you so clumsy?
Adalyn: Because you are my daughter. And I know you will care for me.
Ellis: Oh Mom. I love you.
Adalyn: I love you too.
Lucy Mytilence's POV
Faith: Mom do something of Ellis. She is so irritating!! Everybody in the University is talking about her. I am the princess!! Everybody should talk about me only.
Lucy: She is a scholarship student in the Imperial University-
Faith: So what mom? You are the Queen of this country. You can easily get her out of the University.
Lucy: It is not as easy as you think Faith.
Ava: My deepest apologies your majesty but there is a small problem.
Lucy: What is it now?
Ava: Adalyn has fallen from the stairs but Ariana informed me that she didn't get much injured. She won't be able to do any chores.
Lucy: Oh her daughter is Ellis, right?
Ava: Yes your majesty.
Lucy: When they return, send them to me.
Ava: As your wish, your highness.
Half an hour later, Ellis and her mother entered the drawing room where Lady Lucy and her daughter Ms. Faith were watching TV.
Lucy: I was waiting for you. Adalyn a little bird told me that you won't be able to work for weeks. So who is covering for you or should I fire you?
Adalyn: No you-
Ellis: I will work instead of her.
Lucy: Oh do you even know how to work?
Ellis: Yes-s
Faith: Mom of course she does after all she will be a maid in the future.
(Ms. Faith and Lady Lucy laugh)
Lucy: Then go clean!
(Ellis bows). They leave the room.
Lucy: It will be fun.
Adalyn Elliot's POV
Adalyn: Are you stupid? They will make your life hell!
Ellis: I know but we didn't have another option.
Adalyn: We did! We could have...
Ellis: We didn't have an option.
Adalyn: You don't even know how to sweep the floor.
Ellis: Don't worry I will learn it. Now take your pills and sleep.
Adalyn: But-
Ellis: No but's. Take them.
I took the pills and went to bed. I heard Ellis lock the main door.
Adalyn: Sorry my child I couldn't give you the life you were supposed to have. It was my fault. I should not have r-
Elliot Ellis's POV
Faith: You look perfect in the maid's uniform, love. Now clean my room and the dining room.
Ellis: Alright mam.
Faith: Are you still going to continue your studies?
Ellis: Y-yes man
Faith: What is the profit? you will be nothing more than a maid.
I didn't answer and continued my work.
The day ended
Ellis: Mom I'm home......... Is she still sleeping? I have to make the dinner *sighs* how does she do it all? How am I going to do it?
I sat down on the sofa and covered my head........

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