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One ticket to Las Vegas, please," I say to the lady behind the counter.

"Sure thing, hon. That'll be fifty bucks," she replies, the clatter of keys punctuating the transaction.

I count out the crumpled bills, handing them over with a shaky hand. Now, the ticket is in my hand, and I'm getting on a bus, about to roll towards a city that's only existed on a computer screen.

The bus ride is a six-hour stretch of watching everything I've ever known shrink into the rearview.

When we finally arrive, and I step off of the bus, the atmosphere hits me like a ton of bricks. It's a sensory overload – the lights, the noise, the people. Money is tight, so I decide to hoof it instead of spending money on a taxi.

As I walk, curious eyes follow my every move. In the sea of short skirts, exposed skin, and seemingly lifeless bodies, here I am, feeling like a time traveler from another era in my ankle-length dress. The stares might sting, but I keep walking. No turning back now.

I spot a trio of ladies on a street corner that look like they've walked out of a movie. One is a towering figure with blue hair, wearing what might pass as a napkin, not a dress. Next to her, a goddess in pink, rocking heels so high, I'm surprised her ankles aren't broken. Then there's a short one, brown curls cascading down to, well, some really noticeable assets.

I gather some courage and decide to approach them. They're talking and laughing, the city's heartbeat thumping behind them.

"Hi...excuse me," I say, nervously interrupting their conversation. "I'm new here, looking for the nearest motel or something. Can you help me out?"

The taller woman with the blue hair turns to me, giving me a once-over. "What the hell are you wearing?" she shoots at me with a snarky attitude.

The woman in the pink dress shoots me a curious glance. "Um, what's an Amish person doing in Vegas?" she asks with a smirk.

I nervously chuckle, "Oh, I'm not Amish. I just escaped from the order, um, a polygamist marriage thing and ended up here."

The Blue-haired woman gives me a raised eyebrow, "Soooo a cult basically?"

"Yeah...basically" I nod, feeling a bit uneasy. "I had to get out. Now, I'm just, you know, trying to come up with some money to go back and get my daughter."

The woman in the pink dress' eyes soften. "Oh, wow, that sounds tough, girl. What's your plan?"

I shrug, "I'm not sure, just trying to figure it out as I go, maybe find a job or something."

The blue-haired woman smirks, sizing me up, "Sweetheart, we wait for guys to come up to us. They pay us for sex. It's quick money."

I can only blink, shocked.

The brown-haired woman, interjects, "Hey, how 'bout you crash with us for a bit? We'll help you figure things out."

Blue hair objects, a hint of skepticism in her voice, "What, are we seriously gonna let a stranger stay with us?"

"She's harmless enough. Look at her, she probably hasn't even seen outside before," brown hair says, giving me an inviting smile.

The offer hangs in the air, and I accept. I have to go with them, for Penny. Whatever it takes.

The girls lead me to their apartment, I take in the scenery as I squeeze through groups of drunk people, who have no care in the world. The woman with blue hair, shoots me a look, breaking the silence, "So, what's your name?"

"Oh...I'm Catherine," I mumble, feeling a bit overwhelmed.

The girls exchange glances and grin. "Hey Catherine, I'm Star," says the one with long brown curly hair, enthusiasm in her voice.

"I'm Ivy," adds the girl in the pink dress, giving me a friendly smile.

"And I'm Gia," the girl with the blue hair, chimes in."

The city noise engulfs us as we make our way to whatever awaits in their apartment. When we get inside it feels like I'm stepping into a whirlwind of sights and smells. The air is pungent with the skunky smell of weed, wrapping around me like a hazy cloud. Clothes are thrown everywhere around the living room. The couch, littered with dirty lingerie, sits beneath a stained poster of a rock band. The coffee table, coated with a fine layer of dust, hosts an assortment of items - a crumpled pack of cigarettes, an ashtray overflowing with butts, and a small mirror dusted with a white powder.

Star gives me a wary look. "Hey Catherine, I know you just escaped some fucked up shit and all, but there's this party tonight. It's at this rich guy's place. Maybe you can find a sugar daddy, you know, someone to sweep you off your feet...or at least pay your bills!"

I can tell she's only half joking, but in my case, that might just be the answer. "Sure, I... I guess I can go."

Star's eyes light up, and she claps her hands together, "Yes! We're gonna make you look sooo hot!"

Her excitement is contagious, it has me grinning from ear to ear. Star practically drags me to the bathroom, fingers working to undo my braid. Ivy takes charge, straightening and curling my hair while Star rifles through their collection of makeup.

As Star and Ivy work their magic, I'm torn between anticipation and guilt. Back in the Order, makeup is a strict no-no, a sin that would attract all sorts of ungodly attention. But secretly, I'd watch makeup tutorials online, wishing I could be like those girls, free, like those girls.

Gia swoops in, holding up a dress that looks like it belongs on a Vegas showgirl. It's short, sparkly, and red – the kind of dress that screams "look at me."

I eye it warily. "Do I really have to wear that?"

Gia's response is blunt, "If you want to catch a rich man's eye, honey, you gotta show some skin."

Reluctantly, I agree, slipping into the dress. It fits like a glove, clinging to curves I never really noticed I had. It hugs me in all the wrong places, revealing more than I think I should. I feel exposed, my cleavage practically spilling out of the dress. I glance at my reflection in the mirror, stunned by how I look. My makeup is bold and daring, dark eyeliner outlining my eyes. My eyelids are dusted with dark eyeshadow, and long, false lashes that flutter against my cheeks.

As I nervously wait for the final touch, Ivy finishes off my outfit with a set of red press-on nails.

Star, Ivy, and Gia stare at me in awe. "Wow, Catherine, you look amazing!" Star exclaims, her eyes wide with excitement.

Ivy nods in agreement, a smile spreading across her face. "Seriously, girl, you look fuckin' hot. How do you feel?"

I blush at their praise, a smile playing on my lips. "Um, I guess I feel...different?"

Gia puts her hand on my shoulder, "You just gotta get used to it. When you get to the party, you gotta fake it till you make it. Confidence is key."

As I listen to her advice, guilt washes over me. I can't shake the feeling that I'm betraying everyone, my husband, my child, God.

Wearing makeup, showing all this skin – sin, a deviation from the path of righteousness.

Please God forgive me.

Please God forgive me

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