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Damien immediately gets on the phone, barking orders at his crew to confirm if Penny's in the car with this asshole. I'm watching like a hawk, my heart in my throat, as one of Damien's guys pulls up next to Lymon at a red light.

The voice on the other end of the line says, "No sign of the kid in the vehicle. Doesn't mean she's not stashed somewhere, hidden away, but we don't see her."

My mind starts racing with every horrible scenario. Did this piece of shit dump her body somewhere? Is she tied up and left alone, scared out of her mind in some random house? I feel like I'm gonna throw up, the not knowing is eating me alive.

Damien keeps on his tail, but Lymon starts to get suspicious. He starts making all these random turns, trying to shake us off, and then he just floors it, speeding off like a bat out of hell.

Damien's ready to floor it and go after him, but then Rome comes over the phone, "D, hold back."

"Damien, what the hell are you doing?" I practically yell as he eases off the gas. "We can't let him out of our sight!"

Damien clenches his jaw, his knuckles white on the steering wheel. "I know, babe, but we gotta be smart about this."

Just then, Rome's voice crackles over the phone speaker. "Cat, listen to me. Lymon might do something drastic if we follow him."

I shake my head stubbornly. "I don't care, I can't just sit back and-"

"Think about Penny," Rome cuts me off, his voice gentle but firm. "If Lymon feels cornered, he could lash out. Hurt her just to spite you or what he thinks is the cops."

I feel like I've been sucker-punched, all the air rushing out of my lungs. Damien reaches over to squeeze my thigh.

"He's right, baby. Rome's got eyes on him, he'll let us know the second it's safe to move in."

I slump back against the seat, tears of frustration burning my eyes. I know they're right, but it kills me to just let Lymon out of my sight.

"Fine," I manage to choke out. "But the second you get a location, we're going in.."

I trust Rome. He's got good instincts, and the last thing I want is to put Penny in more danger.

I have to believe we'll get another shot, that we'll find my baby girl and bring her home safe. I just have to hold on a little longer, keep my shit together for Penny's sake.

But, it's the hardest thing I've ever had to do. Sitting on my hands, waiting and praying, when every fiber of my being is screaming at me to tear this city apart until I find her.

Damien pulls up back at the estate and kills the engine. I'm still a jittery mess, my mind racing. He reaches over and takes my hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze.

"Hey, let's head inside and try to get some rest, okay? We'll be back out there first thing tomorrow, I promise. Rome's on it."

I want to argue and insist we keep searching. But deep down, I know running ourselves into the ground or even getting on police radar won't do Penny any good.

I just nod, knowing I'll break down in tears if I speak. We head inside and I go straight to the bedroom, too drained to even change out of my clothes before collapsing onto the bed.

A minute later, I feel the mattress dip as Damien sits beside me. His hand rubs soothing circles on my back as I try to muffle my sobs into the pillow.

"Baby, look at me," he says softly. I raise my head, my vision blurry with tears. Damien cradles my face in his hands, his thumbs brushing away the tears on my cheeks.

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