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It's 3 AM now and my head is spinning from the amount of alcohol I've drank all night, still buzzing from the high of Damien's proposal.

I'm sitting on Damien's lap, my arms draped loosely around his neck as I cover his face with kisses. I'm drunk off my ass, the room is spinning pleasantly around me.

"I love you sooo much," I slur, my words running together.

Damien chuckles, his hand settling on my thigh as he takes a swig of his whiskey. "I love you more, baby."

I'm just about to lean in for another kiss when I hear someone calling my name.

"Cat, darling, let me see that rock!" It's one of Damien's business associates, a tall, silver-haired man, with a heavy British accent.

I giggle, extending my hand so he can admire the massive diamond weighing down my finger. "Isn't it beautiful? Damien sure knows how to pick 'em."

The man whistles appreciatively, his eyes widening as he takes in the size of the stone. "That he does. Congratulations, you two. You make a stunning couple."

I spend the next hour bouncing from person to person to show off my ring to anyone who'll look. I'm in my element, basking in the attention.

Damien is deep in conversation with his business partners, his brow furrowed in concentration.

"I'm gonna grab one...last drink," I slur, leaning in close so he can hear me over the loud music. "I'll be right back."

Damien nods distractedly, signaling to one of his security guards to go with me.

The buff man in the dark suit falls into step beside me as I weave my way through the party-goers, his hand resting lightly on the concealed weapon at his hip.

I stumble over to the bar and flag down the bartender.

"Heyyy!" I call out, waving my hand to get his attention. "Can I get one more of those fancy cocktails with the little umbrellas?"

The bartender grins, nodding in recognition as he starts mixing up my drink. "Of course, and congrats again on the engagement, Ms. Caine."

I smile at him, my cheeks still hurting from smiling so hard all night. "Thank you, I still can't believe it's real, you know?"

He slides my drink across the bar, the little paper umbrella bobbing in the pinkish liquid. "I believe it's the real deal, Miss. I've seen the way that man looks at y–"

Automatic gunfire rips through the air, followed by guttural screams and shattering glass. I drop my drink, the glass breaking on the floor as I spin around, my heart in my throat.

For a moment, everyone seems to freeze, their faces masks of terror.

Then, the chaos erupts.

People start running in every direction, shoving and climbing over each other in a blind panic.

It's impossible to tell where the shots are coming from, The echoes are distorted by the massive space and the blaring music.

Oh God. Not now, not tonight of all nights.

My eyes desperately scan the crowd for Damien, but the crush of bodies is too thick, the confusion too great. He could be anywhere in this madness.

In front of me security has his gun drawn, his eyes hard and focused as he scans for the source of the threat.

But before he can take more than a step, another spray of bullets rips through the air, catching him square in the chest.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐥'𝐬 𝐒𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐭 | 𝟏𝟖+Where stories live. Discover now