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My request...no, my demand of him, hangs there unchallenged between us for a few seconds.

Around the table, his men shift restlessly in their seats.
Damien blinks once..twice..Until finally, he chuckles, letting the tips of his fingers trail up my spine. "Don't worry baby...you're gonna get to savor every agonized scream and plea for mercy from that old fuck until he's nothing but a blooded corpse at your feet."

His hand moves up to bury in the hair at the nape of my neck, before sliding his hand around my throat in a silent statement of ownership. "Nobody gets to fuck with what's mine."

My eyes slip shut for a moment, in an almost drunken sense of arousal, as I squeeze my legs together. I can feel the rest of Damien's crew shifting around us, some of them respectfully looking away. But I couldn't give a flying fuck if they watch. The only thing that matters is the man whose lap I'm straddling.

"Listen up - we're headed out to my other place just outside Sacramento next. Got a gut feeling that Lymon is gonna try slipping through our fingers more than once before we can finally smoke his ass out."

I feel my stomach twist into knots at the thought of Lymon dragging this nightmare out even longer while my poor Penny stays trapped with that monster. But I swallow down the nausea and just nod, letting Damien take the lead.

With that, the whole crew starts moving out, like a well-oiled machine. Damien's got everyone gravitating around him, soaking up orders and marching off to handle their assigned roles.

I just keep repeating Lymon's car details over and over in my head like a mantra.

Green 2003 Chevy Silverado 9X1-LMP. Green 2003 Chevy Silverado 9X1-LMP.


Before I know it, we're getting onto Damien's slick private jet for the short flight up to Sacramento. I take a window seat and stare blankly out at the desert landscape slowly giving way to city streets and highways.

The vibration of the engines and the sound of the air circulation system should be soothing, relaxing even. But my mind is pretty much just in a constant loop. Green Chevy, 9X1-LMP, green truck..until the words start losing meaning.

When we finally land and the jet taxis to a stop. I just follow Damien's lead, one foot robotically in front of the other as he guides me off the plane and into the warm California afternoon air.

We take SUVs from the airfield, the blacked-out caravan forming a tight, secure perimeter around us. Damien keeps me against his side the whole way.

Before long, the gates of another one of Damien's estate properties are towering in front of us; this one seems to stretch even further out into the secluded ranchland. More privacy for his...extracurricular activities.

We roll up to the main entrance and I can instantly make out the security walking around, maintaining a locked-down perimeter. They give us the usual silent once-over through narrowed eyes before waving us through into the second gate.

I take a deep breath as the massive house finally comes into view, all hardwood and hand-carved stonework. Always Damien's aesthetic, beautiful on the outside, dark things lurking underneath.

The second we're in the foyer, I turn to Damien, wasting no time. "So what's next? Are we gonna start looking around those locations your PI found?" I practically demand. "I can't take sitting around here waiting any longer when Penny is still out there with that-"

"Whoa, whoa, easy..." Damien's hand comes up to cup my cheek, effectively shutting me up mid-rant. "I got my guys ready to start heading out in 10 minutes, don't worry."

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