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We strut out of the apartment, and I try to keep up with the girls in my new heels, but it's like walking on stilts. I struggle to find my balance and Star has to grab my arm to steady me.

We pile into the taxi, Ivy up front, me sandwiched between Star and Gia. Ivy passes a bottle of alcohol back to Star and Gia, and they take swigs straight from it, laughing and joking.

Gia, turns to me and offers me the bottle, "You're too tense, hon, take a shot, it'll loosen you up!"

My heart races at the suggestion. I've already sinned enough tonight. But the nerves in my stomach override the guilt, and I accept.

Of course.

The vodka burns my throat like a wildfire. As I cough and sputter, the girls burst into laughter, and before I know it, I'm taking shot after shot, feeling the warmth spreading through my body, my head spinning with the rush of it all.

I start to giggle uncontrollably, everything is suddenly hilarious, and I can't hold back the massive grin on my face.

Maybe I should've eaten something before this.

The taxi rolls up to a massive estate, I'm in awe at the sight of it. Stairs lead up to grand doors, people are lined up to get in, music thumping in the background.

We stumble out of the taxi, and people give me curious looks as I pass by. I can't tell if it's because I'm awkward or if I accidentally stared at them first and they think I'm some kind of weirdo.

We hike up the stairs, and inside the mansion is a whole other world; naked women serving food, people making out, smoking, drinking, and even having sex...in front of everyone.

The girls drag me to the bar for another drink, but I'm already feeling very tipsy. They exchange numbers with me in case we get separated.

"Let's go dance, girl, you might catch a cute guy's eye!" Star says slurring her words.

We weave our way through the crowd toward the pulsating lights of the dance floor, I can feel the bass thumping through my body, intensified even more by the alcohol. My head feels light, almost weightless, and I sway to the music with a new sense of freedom. Out of the corner of my eye, I catch a glimpse of a man standing across the room.

He's like something out of a magazine– dark hair tousled just so, a chiseled jawline, and a physique that speaks of hours spent in the gym. But it's his eyes that draw me in the most, dark and intense, with a primal look that sends a shiver down my spine.

I quickly avert my lingering gaze. But even as I turn away, I can still feel his eyes on me, as if he's trying to peel back the layers of my soul with just a look.

Turning to Star, I ask, "Do you know that guy?"

Star looks around for a moment, her eyes widening in recognition. "Oh yeah, that's Damien. He's the owner of this place and loaded with cash."

Gia chimes in, "What about Damien?" she asks, her tone sharp.

I hesitate, "Uh, he's been staring at me," I admit quietly.

Gia snorts dismissively, her eyes flicking back to Damien. "Trust me, he wouldn't give you the time of day," she says bluntly.

I tell the girls I need to find the bathroom and chug the rest of my drink on the way. Pushing through the crowds of people, I finally make it to there, only to find a group of girls huddled around the sinks, snorting lines of cocaine.

One of the girls looks over at me, her eyes glazed over. "Heyyyy, want some?" she slurs, holding out a small baggie.

I shake my head, my stomach churning at the sight. "No, thanks," I mutter, rushing into a stall, and closing the door behind me.

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