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Breakfast was rather chatty this evening, since she was the only one eating and at the house, Jisoo invited the butlers and maids to join. She grew a close bond with them all lately, she laughed and smiled looking around at how they all joked around.

"Thank God Ms. Park isn't here, she'd kill us." One of the butlers said.

"Chaeyoung wouldn't kill you, she likes you guys." Jisoo looked at him confused, "besides I'm sure she's changed."

"Most likely, I mean you changed too." One of the maids announced.

"I changed? How so?"

"Then they didn't speak afterwards."

The brunette sat on the couch looking grim while her friend was on her laptop, she sighs rubbing her hand against her face.

"You know, maybe they know something." Lisa says, "maybe they're ordered not to say anything to you?"

"Possibly....I forgot to mention but Chaeyoung had a bandage on her hand before she left today."

"A bandage?" Lisa looks up.

"Yeah, there was blood stained on. I asked her if she was okay but she said it was an accident."

"I wonder what kind of accident? You didn't see anything last night?"

"No, I was asleep."

"Hmm, weird. Anyways, have you heard from your family?"

"Nope, Soo ho keeps calling though. He's been blowing up my phone." Jisoo says, her eyes looking around the apartment.

"Great, I was actually thinking about our plan."


"How do you feel about going to Jeju Island?"


"Come on, you know why you're back!" Lisa says, "you always do this!"


"Jisoo, you're only here to get rid of Soo ho. Remember that."

"Fine. Why Jeju?"

"Well, you're family is going there for vacation!" Lisa smiles, "you and Chaeyoung could go and get rid of Soo ho that way!"

"Me and Chaeyoung going on vacation? I don't know if she can..."

"Hey, I'll go with you two." Lisa adds, "I don't mind being a third wheel."

"So explain the plan..."

"...And that's why we should go on vacation!"

Chaeyoung sat there looking at the slideshow in confusion, she looked at her wife and at Lisa before shaking her head.

"If you wanted to go on vacation, you could've told me." Chaeyoung says, "you didn't need to do this."

"See, I told you!" Jisoo hits Lisa's arm.

"What! I don't know her!" Lisa objects

"I appreciate the slideshow, but why do you want to go on vacation?" Chaeyoung asked her wife.

"Because I feel like we haven't had time for each other." Jisoo says, "besides, you've been working a lot lately...you could use a small vacation."

Chaeyoung didn't say anything but look at her wife, she glanced over at Lisa and nods.


"I'll start packing then." She says before snapping her fingers, "get the car ready!"

The butlers rushed past them, along with the maids.

"We're going on a vacation."

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⏰ Last updated: May 06 ⏰

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