Vol. 3. Chapter 3: A Gift

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Jaune and Rook got to the Dorm room that Ironwood had assigned for them, Jaune was in fact drunk. He was lightly snoring as Rook carried him inside, he set Jaune down onto his bunk, sighing as he climbed into his own. They would be staying in these dorms along with Kevin until they could get to the bottom of the Highbreed situation. As the two men slept, Jaune's watch began to turn and dial on its own, only doing for a mere few moments before it stopped and began to glow green. Jaune groaned as he rolled over, and got comfortable, he didn't see it, but from under the Omnitrix, on his wrist, his veins slightly popped and glowed a small green.


It was the next morning, Jaune and Rook were in the mess hall. Rook was already eating, while Jaune was barely coming to the table, Rook was surprised to see that Jaune had a large plate of food. He had rice, beans, spinach, dark chocolate, oats, and many more, the second Jaune sat down he began to dig into it. Rook only watched as Jaune scarfed down his food. Kevin had come in to fetch the two, watching Jaune eat away, raising a brow

Kevin: not going to ask about him, but I need you two, Shockwave gots something

Rook: oh? Perfect, shall we set off, Jaune?

Jaune looked up, swallowing what he had they were both surprised to see that he had finished already.

Jaune: oh yeah, let's go

He got up, walking out, on his way out he grabbed a can of beans from the kitchen and walked out with it. Rook and Kevin looked at each other confused.

Rook: is it safe for him to eat that much Iron?

Kevin: I don't know, but are we not gonna talk about how he scarfed down ten pounds of food in less than two minutes?

Rook: indeed, is that what you call a "fat ass"?

Kevin: yup, come on let's go


They had made it to Shockwave's lab, standing next to an operating table, in front of them was the DNAlien that Rook and Jaune brought in. It was completely torn apart, it's brain dissected, along with its torso, all of its organs removed and out into jars with some type of liquid to keep them reserved. Jaune almost threw up his breakfast seeing the state of the alien he practically sentenced to death.

Shockwave: the operation was a success, I have made many Discovery's.

Rook: such as?

Shockwave: the biological make up of this species is human

Jaune: what?

Shockwave: this is human, the Highbreed seem to have developed a new way of breeding, instead of natural birth, they have concocted these parasites to posses a host, making them your "DNAlien"

Kevin: so they're under some kind of mind control?

Shockwave: yes, Dr. Polendina was able to help during this operation, much to his displeasure. He was the one to discover the parasite.

They looked up at the Doctor, who was smiling and waving at them.

Pietro: from what we discovered, the actual body of the DNAlien is actually just the head, the parasite, or as I've named it Xenocite, attaches to th hosts face.

He pulled up a hologram to show a model of a Xenocite and human.

Pietro: the Xenocite attaches to the hosts body, they seem to insert a tube from under the body, it goes down the throat, which is the easiest entry point of the body. It supplies oxygen and nutrients to the body, keeping it healthy as it controls the body.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23 ⏰

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