(Chapter 2) Part 7: Discoveries

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Landing on the ground below hurt, enough to make the boys stumble and be dazed a bit, Nearic quickly sees the pipe handle and decides to proceed that way. However, he waits till the dizziness subsides latches onto it, swinging himself over to the other side into an underground hallway. Dan seems to be taking a bit more time to readjust himself, but when he does, he notices the handle as well, seeing his brother on the other side, he decides to swing over as well.

The older brother latches onto the handle in preparation to swing but then Mommy Long Legs says, "Mommy knows the game is really hard, but Mommy has just decided you won!" she starts giggling crazily, "Come back!"

Dan then swings over to the other side and mouths to his brother, 'Move.' Nearic nods and they walk to the end of the destroyed hallway, the younger looks up through the hole and sees another pipe handle, he nudges his brother and points up. Dan looks up and sees the handle as well, he nods and latches onto it, pulling himself up to the upper floor before looking back down the hole and waving at Nearic to follow.

Nearic aims at the handle, but Mommy's voice stops him, "Mommy doesn't like cheaters, the rules are so simple. You die, Mommy gets to watch!" She laughs maniacally, "COME BACK TO ME!"

Those words made Nearic's eyes widen in horror, "She was... planning this from the start?"

He shakes his head and pulls himself up to the floor above, Dan reaches a hand out to his brother but Nearic stops him with a raised hand as he takes a deep breath, he then keeps going as his brother watches him leave, a frown on the older sibling's face before he follows after the young man.

They turn the corner as Mommy yells out into the halls, the boys can't help but listen as she says, "HOW DARE YOU DISOBEY ME?! I WILL FIND YOU, I WILL FIND YOU, and when I do..." she giggles crazily again, "Where are you?" she asks sweetly, before switching to a dark furious one as she asks again, "WHERE ARE YOU?!"

Nearic shivers at her voice, making Dan walk up beside him and give the younger boy a shoulder hug as they walk through the dirt broken halls. Quickly stopping at another dead end, Dan looks up and sees a handle to pull from, so he steps back and motions for Nearic to go first, the boy does wordlessly as he rises to the upper floor, Dan following close behind once Nearic lets go.

Dan shoulder hugs his brother again as Nearic keeps his head down, walking slowly. The older brother could tell this wasn't a dissociating episode, he was just heartbroken at how much the female toy has changed, willing to kill him for leaving this godforsaken place. The brothers walk through the destroyed hallway, having to go up a slope, before turning left into a vent in the wall, Nearic going first as Dan follows closely behind, and upon exiting, they encountered a closed off room from rubbles and a locked gate.

They look around a bit until Nearic looks up, "There." He says quietly.

Dan looks back from inspecting the closed off door, seeing his brother looking up into the hole, the older brother walks over and looks up as well, seeing another pipe handle, he smiles, "Alright, I'll be right behind you."

Nearic nods as he fires a hand to the handle before pulling himself up onto the upper level, and upon moving out of the way, Dan does the same, landing next to Nearic, "Alright, let's go little brother."

They move forward into a somewhat more properly maintained room, not much in there except a blocked off circuit breaker, some barrels, another white door, and some stairs to the right. With nowhere else to go, the brothers take the long stairs into the next room, arrive at a conjunction of pipes, and a doorway to their right.

When they enter into the room next to them, they are greeted by a TV on the console ahead of them, a pair of stairs, one on each side of them, and past said console, is a giant container holding gallons upon gallons of water, and a sign above it all saying, 'Water Treatment'.

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