(Chapter 2) Part 5.5: A Pleasant Recovery

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(This chapter is supposed to show what Nearic was reliving when he was dissociating in the last chapter, enjoy!)

A young 7 year old Nearic wakes up on a bed, slightly groggy and confused, "Where am I?"

He slowly sits up, wincing at the pain in his left arm, looking at it, he sees his entire left forearm covered in bandages, some red on the white gauze.

He then hears a loud yell from the door to his right, "You think this is a joke?!"

Looking over, he sees three shadowy figures standing outside his window to the halls, two of them looking human, while the third (who seems to be apposing the two) looks like a bipedal dog, "Dogdad!"

One of the humanoid figures says, "I understand that you're upset with the scenar-"

Dogday immediately cuts her off, "Oh, I'm more than that! Do you know what could've happened to that boy if that starved Huggy Wuggy toy got a hold of him longer, he could've been seriously hurt, if not killed!"

The other worker then says, "We understand Dogday, but you cannot be so attached to them, that's not your job."

Dogday growls, "I'm aware on what my job is." He calms his voice before adding, "But it is my job to keep these kids happy, and I can't do that for this kid if said kid gets hurt in a GAME, on his fucking birthday!!!"

The same worker says, "Lower your tone experi-"

Dogday interrupts, "Don't say it." He calms himself again, "I understand my position, but you need to understand yours. My job is to keep these kids happy; your job is to monitor and rate them, you can't properly do that if they get hurt."

The other worker replies, "Yes, we understand."

Dogday sounds pleased as he says, "Good, because you will no longer send Nearic to the Game Station, no more challenges, no more tests, he's done."

Both workers didn't seem to like that as one of them huffs, the other replying, "You don't get a say in that, you're a toy, not in charge."

Dogday growls darkly as he says, "I am in charge here, for the Smiling Critters, for the Playcare, and especially these kids. They are practically in my care. The Smiling Critters' job is to keep these kids happy, that can't happen if we willingly send a child into a dangerous environment, especially if said child is aware that we know of said danger."

Dogday adds, "Trust and safety is then broken, and without those two key factors, a child will never be happy. So you better be grateful I'm only pulling Nearic out, since this was the first real incident a toy went rogue and attacked a kid, so I'm willing to let the others keep going."

One of the nicer workers said, "I understand, but it's still a requirement to-"

Dogday interrupts again, "Yeah, and it's my requirement that they stay happy, I cannot do that if one of them feels endangered to leave Playcare, let alone take these tests!"

The more difficult one then says, "Well, how do you know he feels endangered to leave?"

Dogday seems even angrier at that question, his growl seeming much louder for Nearic to hear, "How would you feel after getting attacked by a toy, one that got a good bite out of your arm, would you feel safe going there?!"

He nicer worker lightly pushed the ruder one aside, "We understand Dogday, we'll take your word for it."

Dogday nods, "Good, now get the hell out of Playcare before I sick Catnap on you, and we all know how close he is to the boy."

Both employees quickly turn around and leave, not wanting to face the giant purple cat, Nearic shivers at the image of that toy, he doesn't like how much he fears that cat, he knows he's a good toy, but he doesn't look very appealing. The door to his medical room opens as Dogday walks in, head hung low as he sighs in distress.

Nearic smiles brightly, "Dogdad!"

Dogday looks up in surprise, his eyes black and void of light, before the smile on the critter's face widens further, white irises appearing the blank voids of their sockets, "Nearic!"

The giant toy rushes over, giving the young boy a tight, yet comforting, hug, "Oh, I'm so glad you're okay."

Nearic smiles further as he hugs his dad back, "Yeah, I'm okay." He replies cheerfully.

They separate as Dogday checks on the bandaged arm, "How are you holding up, pup?"

Nearic winces at the pressure, the arm being sensitive, as he replies, "Okay, but... I don't know why I'm here, I heard you saying something about me getting attacked?"

Dogday winces as he checks a little longer on the arm, "Yeah, one of the huggys were unintentionally starved for days, it got desperate and tore through its cable, it bit your arm as it shoved you to the ground. Thankfully, other security got in and handled the toy, then immediately sent you here where they could heal you up."

Nearic looks down at his arm, furrowing his brows as he tries to remember, "I don't..."

Dogday releases the arm as he places a hand on the child's head softly, "That's alright, not your fault. The factory employees should've kept a better eye on those toys, you could've been hurt a lot worse."

Nearic looks up at Dogday and says, "I also heard you say that I wasn't going back there anymore."

Dogday nods resolutely, "Indeed, I cannot take you into a place where you could get hurt, I wouldn't be able to live with myself if this happened again."

Nearic looks down in slight disappointment, then Dogday says with cheer, "But hey, whenever the other kids head off to the Game Station, you get to spend all of that time with us Critters!" he then leans forward as he adds, "Including Catnap."

Nearic looks back up at Dogday, "Really, Uncle Nap can join?"

Dogday ruffles the boy's hair, "That he can pup, the workers usually leave us alone the whole time so we can clean up, meaning they wouldn't be here to check up on us until the kids return." The toy's eyes shining with mischievous intent.

Nearic throws his arms up in celebration, "Yeahoow!" quickly dropping his injured arm and cradling it.

Dogday immediately puts his hand under it, "Pup don't do that, you'll make it worse, just try to keep it relaxed for a bit, okay?"

Nearic nods hastily, some tears coming to his eyes from the pain, Dogday smile turns a little soft as he gets onto the bed, cradling the boy in his arms, "I know It hurts, but it won't be forever, you'll be okay."

Nearic mumbles as he turns his head into his dad's chest, immediately getting the strong scent of vanilla, "I like vanilla..."

Dogday chuckles softly, soothing Nearic more, "I know you do, it's why I'm your favourite."

Nearic closes his eyes as he says, "I love you dad."

Dogdays sighs contently as he replies softly, "I love you too, Pup."

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