(Chapter 3) Part 13: The Cavern

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Leaving the hallway and entering the next area, they see a small dark cavern, a scaffold bridge ahead of them, and a green battery on a ledge to their right.

Nearic asks, "Dan, a little light?"

Dan nods and fires at one of the pipes above them, the flare sticks to the surface and lights up the cavern, easily seeing the rest of the area, and seeing the ledge that the battery is stuck at used to have a bridge (indicated by the broken end by it).

Hoppy nods, "Guess dear old Dan here is going to help light up the path." She says cheekily.

Dan rolls is eyes as Nearic grabs the battery, "Very funny."

Nearic walks ahead, "Come on you two, let's move."

Dan and Hoppy follow after Nearic as he crosses the bridge and approaches the closed door ahead, something they didn't see without the flare. Nearic then plugs in the battery and opens the door forward, the trio taking it and moving onward into a larger cavern. Stalagmites and stalactites seen everywhere, an old scaffold bridge ahead of them with an orange VHS tape on the floor, the bridge leading to catwalks and other scaffolding to the right, and right next to them is an orange TV with a VHS player.

Nearic grabs the VHS tape with his GrabPack, "I say we record what this one shows."

Dan pulls out his phone, "Agreed."

Hoppy smirks a little, "Guess I'm stepping back... again."

Nearic walks over to the TV and holds out the VHS, Dan standing near the bridge with Hoppy just behind him, "Recording in 3... 2... 1... Now." Pressing the button.

Nearic starts his usually speech, "Unfortunately, we were unable to find a VHS tape before this one, but this was found within a deep cavern that we're currently in, which lies beneath Playcare, let's see what is has to offer." He then kneels down and inserts the tape, the TV bluescreening for a moment.

Then it clears up with the large claw of the young boy's uncle, Catnap's claw, some ruckus is heard in the background before a familiar man says, "Stupid clunky elevator."

Another man says, "What was that, Richie?"

Rich says, "Nothing, nothing. Let's just get this shipment dropped and go." More sounds are heard n the background, before the introduction to Playcare from Elliot Ludwig sounds, being interrupted by the press of a button, the video ending immediately.

The other man says, "I take it you're not a fan of this place, are you?"

Ric replies, "Nope. Never liked the feel of it. I mean, don'tcha think these kids deserve some real sunlight instead of floodlights and painted skies?" he raises his voice, "Hell, we're not even allowed to talk to these kids, isn't that-" he stops himself, clearing his throat, "Sorry Stu."

Stu comments, "Sorry? That doesn't sound like the Rich I know."

Rich replies, "Well... I'm trying to stop being so pissed off all the time. My wife says I'm a lovely man, but I gotta control my temper. So, I'm doing it for her."

Stu chuckles, "You're just different, Rich. Honest to a fault. But I've always liked that about you."

Rich responds, "Yeah? You're one of the few."

A small silence stretches for a moment before Stu changes the topic, "You know Richie, with my retirement coming up, uhm... they've been pushing hard for me to choose my replacement. I'm thinking about giving the role to you."

Rich sputters, "Wha- really?"

Stu replies, "Really. Nothing official yet, but I think there's a decent guy beneath all that gruff. An honest, hardworking man. You prove me right, I'd say your chances are pretty good."

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