(Chapter 3) Part 17: Catnap's Pain & Rage

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"YOU LET THEM ESCAPE?!" the hundreds of smaller critters all shrink and cower to the largest creature in the room, the purple feline himself, Catnap, "And not only did you let them escape, but you also let them take DOGDAY!!!" they cower again.

He leans forward, his shadow going over dozens of them, "You all had two jobs; Watch the heretic, and kill the intruders. But you lot failed to do BOTH!" he stomps a foot down, shaking the ground and making the closer critters back away.

He growls, "I should kill you all right now." The critters all whimper and cry, the feline noting they're begging for mercy, "QUIET!!!" they silence in an instant.

Catnap's irises sharpen, "But... just this once, I will be merciful..." the smaller critters start to get hopeful, glancing at each other in relief, "The exits have closed off, The Prototype will see you soon."

He then begins to walk off as the tiny replacements cry, squeal, whimper, and so much more, and in the feeble attempt for different mercy, but there is no greater mercy than serving their god, no matter how cruel and twisted it may seem to the feline, they continue to live on as their god, what greater mercy is there? He slowly makes his way through the Playhouse, exploring the giant TARDIS tent, at least, that's what he's heard some of the workers calling it, something about it being bigger on the inside, he doesn't remember, nor does he care. It's big, that's all that matters to him, that... and one other thing.

He walks by his large bed, dead toys dangling from above it, it was a reminder to him of the things he's done, he makes sure to not forget what he's truly doing. Mass murder, and he will never forget it for as log as he lives, but it's for the children, his friends, the other toys, for himself... and for Nearic. The thought of the young child makes him pause just at the wall, a claw lifted to open it, he was so young, and he will never forgive himself for being the cause of his fate, they got to close, they were warned, over and over again to not get attached, to not get to close... to not care. Look where it got the poor boy.

He looks down as tears leave his sockets, his open smile falling into a nearly closed frown, his ears falling flat against his head, his tail curling around his paws as his raised claw goes over his eyes, and he sobs, "Oh Nearic... I'm so sorry... I'm so so sorry..."

He sniffs and sobs, some Red Smoke leaving his mouth as his breathing quickens, whenever the young child enters his thoughts, he completely crumbles, it's gotten so bad that's it's happened in front of his god, The Prototype, but his best friend would always go silent, letting him ride it out. The Prototype has always been merciful when it came to him, being his favorite, and his god understood his pain, being the one he saw the poor boy flatline on a deathbed, crying for help.

Sometimes Catnap wishes his god wasn't so descriptive of the incident, how writhed, how he screamed, how he... Catnap falls completely to the floor, his sobs and cries uncontrolled as he wails, he can't stop them, the tears, the sobs, the croaks, his body, is very being wants to mourn him, no matter how much his mind wants to stop, it. Just. Won't. End. He curls in on himself, his legs all bend to allow his torso to curl inward, his tail wrapping around him like a cage for him to be alone, a cage to mourn all over again.

"Nearic... Shine Pup... my Kit, I'm so sorry, I wish I was there, to help, to save, to do something..." his voice breaks his sobs and tears mixing together and messing with his voice box, "God... Prototype, there must've been something I could've done... I need your guidance... please... tell me what to do..."

After some time, he finally gets his grief under control... for now, and uncurls himself, n longer putting gin the effort to fold in on himself, now he just lays there on the ground, his legs sprawled out to the left, his tail loosely behind him, his mouth his slightly ajar as he pants through it, and his eyes have nearly gone out from his lethargy filing his body again. He sighs in exhaustion, this is the one thing he hates most out of his grieving, he just put in the effort to do anything afterwards, like his body has the energy to move, but his mind just can't put in the effort to try, it's worse than the grief, because at least he knows his emotions are there, this doesn't feel like that.

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