(Chapter 3) Part 24: A Talk & A Gift

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While the group recuperate from their whole ordeal, Catnap eats the food he was offered by his nephew, Nearic. He slowly peels away at the banana first, knowing that it'll be harder to eat due to his large size and the small food. He picks up the fruit between two claws and glances at his nephew, and truly look at him this time, the young man was in horrible condition. The image of his nephew when he was young flashes through his mind; Nearic was barely halfway up the cat's shins, his hair was much lighter and closer to a dirty blonde then, his green eyes were bright and shined with youthful energy, his skin was just as bright, maybe more so due to his lack of sun. The boy was skinny and quick, good at hiding in obvious places, his voice was so high pitched, he wore a bright yellow shirt in honor of his father, a symbol of a solar eclipse on the front and the mixed symbols of his No. 1 Aunt and No. 2 uncle on the back, always wearing baggy pants and small black shoes.

But now... he was so different now, the boy's hair was shorter, the sides and back were now a dark brown, while the top was long and hung down to the right side of his face, the roots dyed auburn, the middle was dyed orange, then the ends became a bright yellow. Catnap was keenly aware on how accurate the colors were to the boy's father, Dogday, when he was freshly bathed (Not the Catnap would know, it was so long ago). Nearic's skin was now much tanner, signs of having real sunlight on his body was a good sign, he wore a sweater that represented Dogday easily, if the bright yellow color was of indication, the there were the colors of green and yellow over his pants and shoes, the yellow was slightly different from his sweater, so the feline guessed it was to represent his other uncle, Kickin Chicken.

Catnap kept watch of his reviv-... alive nephew as he took a bite of his banana, the taste being unlike anything he's had in his life... well, toy life, he's forgotten what anything tasted like when he was human... but this felt like a rush of nostalgia he'd forgotten he could feel.

He smirked, "Thank you, for the food."

Nearic opened his eye halfway as he glanced at his uncle, which allowed the feline to see another difference, his once leaf green eyes were slightly darker, more mature... aged through time and experience, the young boy replied, "No problem, thought you'd like it."

Catnap chuffed in amusement, "Always thinking of others, aren't you Kit?"

The nephew chuckled, "Yep, haven't changed much uncle." He looked away again as he closed his eyes.

The feline's smirk fell at the miniscule wince was noticed, he looked away, "Sorry..."

Nearic sighed, "I didn't hesitate to forgive you, I forgave you the moment I realize what happened."

Catnap sighed, "Why would you, you have every right to hate me."

The boy rolled his eye behind his closed eye lid, "Remember that talk we had after a fight I got into?"

The cat scoffed, "How could I forget, it was the only time you were in a fight, which none of us were happy about."

Nearic asks, "Remember what you told me?"

Catnap looked down as he took another small bite of the fruit, "Vaguely."

Nearic re-states, "'We're not mad at you for getting tricked into a fight, we're just upset no one tried to help you not start one.'"

Catnap sighs as he closes his eyes, he knew where this was going, 'That was different 'Near, you started a small fight, not killed hundred of people."

Nearic shrugged, "Maybe, but was there anyone there to help you not kill people, or did they leave you alone and let you do your thing, only interfering when it was too late?"

The uncle looked away, "They did try, I pushed them away."

The boy looks at his uncle, "Did they give you choice, or were you forced to talk, like I pushed you into?" the cat didn't answer, "Exactly my point, no one was really there for you, they knew you were grieving, but they didn't truly try to be there for you, to understand why. I mean, one could've assumed you were grieving the fact you'd never see me again; did anyone force you to talk about that possibility, or were they still waiting for you to open up?"

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