(Chapter 3) Part 10: A Promise & The Next Test

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Kissy leans down to pick up Poppy as the doll says, "Yes, I think I should explain myself a bit better, shouldn't I?"

Hoppy huffs as she sling on the backpack, "Yeah, how much have you told them if they're willing to still be here."

Poppy hops onto Kissy's shoulder and looks away, "Not much, I can't tell them too much right now, not with Catnap possibly so close."

Hoppy tenses up, a sign that she's going to yell again, Nearic says, "I can't argue with that logic, Uncle Nap would use any distraction he can, and something tells me the topic will upset him and strain his patience."

Hoppy looks back at Nearic, "Are you insane, you don't even want to know what really happened after you escaped, you want to solve something you know nothing about?!"

Dan groans, "Hoppy cool it. What he' trying to say is that he want to wait for no, we want the full truth as soon as possible, but right now isn't the right time. We take care of Catnap, in any way possible, then we find out what happens."

Poppy nods as Kissy starts walking away from Home Sweet Home, "Agreed, it's not safe yet to talk much, so we'll be brief."

Dan, Nearic, and Hoppy start following Kissy and Poppy as the doll says, "I'm glad Ollie could help you get this far." She looks back, "He's the reason we even found you at all."

Dan hums, "Good to know, and speaking of the kid, how old is he?"

Poppy looks up in thought, "Um, not entirely sure, we think he's 10 years or so, he could be older, not sure."

Hoppy's eyes sharpen slightly, "Not sure?"

Poppy replies, "He called us, we've been in contact for a while now, but he's always been busy trying to hide from the other toys... and the Prototype."

Hoppy hums in thought as she looks at the ground, Kissy sways from side to side slightly, a little off-balance, the doll speaking softly to the tall plush, "Hey, you'll be okay... we'll be okay."

Kissy then kneels down next to some panel in the wall, said wall painted with green trees and blue skies. The pink toy then pulls out a key from her back and helps Poppy off her shoulder, holding her up to the panel. The doll inserts the key into the lock of the panel and swings it open, revealing a red lever inside that she pulls down. Which causes the floor to the trio's right to open up as a platform starts to rise out of the ground.

Dan whistles, "Whoa."

They all get on just as the gate closes on them, Kissy starts hugging herself in nervousness as the platform starts to rise, that's when Poppy speaks again, "Listen..." they all look at her, "I'm not your enemy, but I can't just let you leave. What's happening here is bigger than all of us."

Nearic furrows his brow, "Bigger?"

Hoppy sighs and looks away, "That's a simple of way of putting it."

Poppy continues, "And I need you... so we can get revenge on those monsters who've tortured you, who've tortured us."

Nearic sighs through his nose as he lightly glares at the doll when she looks away, "Revenge? Does she think I'm going to kill Catnap? Why is that her first thought?" he then walks over to the railing and looks down at the darkened Playcare.

Poppy then says, "They didn't act alone. They're disciples of the original: The Prototype."

The platform reaches another area above the ground, a console to their right and a blue railing at the edge to overlook the facility, the railing opens up as Poppy asks, "Do the honors?"

Nearic walks off the platform and looks out at Playcare below, just watching and lost in thought. Dan hums before walking off the platform as well and walks over to the console to press the big red button in the center, after he does so, the lights in Playcare finally turn back on, illuminating the facility once more... and Catnap is nowhere to be seen.

Overdue Check-Up (Poppy Playtime)Where stories live. Discover now