(Chapter 3) Part 9: Get To The Generator Ep. 2

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Entering the next room, being another bedroom filled with bunkbeds, this one was very compact, there were beds everywhere, and rubble almost everywhere else. Dan groans as he squirms in place, cramped spaces have always unnerved him, but they had to get moving.

Sparks fall from the ceiling, and they look to where it came from, seeing another reliever in a broken part of the room's ceiling, Dan says, "Now to find the power port."

Hoppy tosses Dan a flashlight, "Here you go."

Nearic pulls out his own, "Let's go find-"

Suddenly, the sound of a door closing is heard, and they all look over to where it came from, seeing the door they entered through closed, the youngest comments, "That's not ominous at all."

Hoppy huffs amusedly, "Let's just find our power port and get out of this room."

Dan and Nearic nod and split up, all looking around the broken beds and rubble in the room, even peering through the holes in the walls that are not big enough for any of them to pass through. Eventually though, Hoppy was checking out one of the holes that had toy boxes next to on the other side, before turning around to look somewhere else, only to immediately see a power port in another room through a hole in another wall, the port dangling off a cable from the ceiling in the other room.

She calls out, "Hey, I think I found it!"

Dan walks over as Nearic looks back, the younger complimenting, "Nice work Aunty!"

She chuckles pridefully as she rubs a finger below her nose, "Why thank you nephew."

Dan rolls his eyes with a sigh as he takes the charge from the port, before turning around and slapping the charge into the receiver. A door opens up into a small baby room (a bedroom full of cribs), walking inside shows there to be no power port in the room, but there is another receiver.

Nearic sighs, "I'm starting to get tired of these stupid power ports."

Dan nods as he looks through the hole in the wall, "Same." He then sports the previous port he used light back up as the door to the room closes, "Well, that makes it easier."

He grabs the charge and turns around to look up at the rooms ceiling, slapping the charge into the receiver. Then a door to the left of where they entered the room opens into a corridor, walking down it, they see a doorway to their left, and upon looking over, they see a giant Bobby Bearhug statue in the middle of another bedroom, it's eyes active with white lights, and staring them down.

Dan asks, "You slept with that thing watching you?"

Nearic nodded, "Yep!"

The older brother sighs as he puts his head in his hands, "And you can't stand to touch a kitten." He mutters, making Hoppy snicker a little.

Nearic rolls his eyes as he says, "If that thing is active, that means it has a battery we can take, so I'll get it to watch me, then you can rip the battery out of it's back."

Dan and Hoppy give him a thumbs up as the youngest of the three walks into the bedroom. As expected, the statue slowly turns to keep its eyes on the young man, and as soon as the statue is looking away from Dan and Hoppy, the older brother sends out his blue hand and grabs the battery from its back, deactivating the moving statue.

Dan smirks, "Alright, now to find somewhere to put this thing in."

Nearic makes his way back but stops when he sees a hole in the floor that's right of the doorway he entered through, "Maybe it'll be down here." Pointing at the hole.

He then jumps down into it, startling the two older individuals who run after him in worry, but upon seeing him perfectly fine and looking around the room, they sigh in relief, "Damn it, Nearic." Dan sighs.

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