(Chapter 3) Part 7: Mission Start

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Hoppy watches the two boys who lay on the ground, it had taken forever to find them, one running around the damn place like they're being chased by something, while the other wandered the halls, Catnap stalking him in the shadows. They had feinted from the fear and shock of whatever they were seeing, and she was thankfully there to catch them before they hit the ground, now it was just the waiting game until they wake up, and thankfully, she didn't have to wait long.

The first to stir would be Dan, groaning as he pushed himself up, rubbing at his eyes from a supposed headache, not that she could blame him after all that. He sat up in a kneeling position as he looked around, confused, until his eyes landed on Hoppy, then he blinked a few times to rid himself of the fog in his head, rubbing at his temples again.

Hoppy smirked as she said, "Rise and shine big guy." he groans again, not saying a word, "Wow, you have pretty bad headache, huh?" he makes a small hum.

"Will you stop talking, it hurts." Nearic complains as he stretches (like a cat) from the ground, before pushing himself up.

Hoppy smirks, "Headache too?"

Nearic rubs his eyes, "Of course I have a headache, I was oxygen deprived for some time then had heavy hallucinations as I ran through the building."

Hoppy replies, "Yeah, and I had to chase you morons all over the place while Catnap watched us."

Nearic's eyes widened, "What?"

Dan huffs, "Yeah, damn cat was watching us suffer in these hallucinations from a far."

The little brother stands up, "Well then, I guess we get moving and continue as fast as we can, then we can deal with Uncle Nap."

Looking around quickly, Nearic notices that they're back in the room they were investigating before, "Wait, we're back here?"

Hoppy shakes her head as she stands up, "Nope, it's a similar room, but completely different position. I lost track of where we were, so I found a small room that we could take a break."

Nearic nods as he mouths an 'Oh' before taking a quick look around, looking for any other paths, but not before Dan calls out, "Water... and snacks?"

Nearic halts before looking back to his brother, "Sure thing." He then slowly takes off his bag and starts looking through it.

Quickly finding Dan's water bottle, being a black painted metal bottle, and tossing it to his brother, Dan catching it, "Thanks."

Nearic then pulls out two Ziplock bag of purple grapes, tossing one over to him, "Some nutrients and liquids." He comments with a smile.

The brothers then start taking their small break as Hoppy relaxes, "Chasing you two was a hassle, you've gotten fast over the years Nearic."

"Mn." He covers his mouth as he swallows, "Thanks you, I worked hard to be able to keep up with you one day, seem sit paid off."

She huffs as she rolls her eyes, "I'll say, I had to keep an eye on Dan first since he seemed to be in trouble more than you. Even though you were running and screaming like a mad man."

Dan smirks as he looks at his brother, covering his own mouth as he says, "Really now, what were you seeing exactly, mins was just an old radio broadcast I had heard of years ago."

Nearic's eyes seem to dim as he looks away, he sighs, "I think... it's hard to explain."

Dan's smirk falls as he glances at Hoppy, seeing her slightly put off by the youngest's sudden change in demeanor, she glances at him with a shrug before looking back at Nearic, "Why's that?"

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