(Chapter 3) Part 1: Recovery

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Nearic feels himself sway from side to side, his legs dragging across the ground, like he's being carried by something. He blearily opens his eyes briefly, briefly seeing a giant purple paw fall onto the ground to his right, before another lands to his left. His eyes flutter a little, Nearic struggling to keep them open as he's carried by this creature, being brought closer and closer to some hatch. His head pounds over and over with immense pain, the worst headache he's probably ever had.

Eventually, the creature then reaches a paw forward and slowly unlatches the hatch, before slowly opening it. After doing so, the creature brings Nearic over the hatch and drops him, the fall makes Nearic turn around, no control over his fall at all, which allow him to see his Dan, his brother's eyes closed and a red liquid seeping from his head underneath his hair. He then lets his body twist as he falls (back first) into the hatch, as he watches the giant purple head with a permanent smile, two sharp white irises, and two purple cat-like ears... wait, purple cat-

Nearic's eyes widen as his whole body jolt to attention as he falls, the boy yelling, "CATNAP!!!!"

Dan and Nearic then hit metal, and the younger brother cries out as pain shocks through his whole right arm. They're both sent crashing into trash, making Nearic yell in pain, again, which finally wakes up the older sibling to full alertness. Said man lifting his face up from garbage in haste as he looks around frantically, before his eyes land on his brother who's cradling his arm.

Dan's eyes widen, "Oh my god!" he runs over and helps his brother up, "What- what's wrong?!"

Nearic frantically wipes away the trash stuck to his injured arm, wincing and yelping at the shocks of pain, unable to form words through his clenched teeth. Finally, he peels away the last bit of trash, being a piece of moldy saranwrap, and sees the extent of his arm, and it's bad. There's several cuts, scrapes, and burns, but there's one large gash that spans from his upper arm, all the way down to his hand, where it quickly turns off to the left in between his thumb and index finger, blood was seeping through the large gash like a flooded river.

However, before either could say anything regarding the injury, the walls of where they crashed started closing in, Nearic's eyes widened in realization, "He dropped us into a garbage compactor!"

Dan looked at him, "Who?!"

Nearic started getting up, "Never-ngh! Nevermind, we need to get out, now!" he looks frantically around the compactor, before seeing a doorway, "There!" and started running.

Dan looked back as he ran past, "Nearic, ait!" before running after him.

Nearic expertly jumped over the first ramp, ran up the second, and turned around after reaching the doorway, "Hurry up!"

Dan ran up the structure of old toy blocks before catching up to Nearic, who had already jumped out onto some piston piping. Dan jumped after him as his little brother vaulted over another, landing on the ground and running ahead, the older sibling barely keeping up.

He watches as Nearic looks around frantically, before staring up as he fires his blue hand, and pulling himself up, letting go before he even made it to the top, and landed on an upper level platform without even slowing down, Dan runs a bit faster to keep up and he thinks to himself, "He's running on pure adrenalin."

Reaching the other platform, he sees piston moving up and down, his brother hopping over to the third before Dan jumps to the first. The pistons then fall, making the brother's look at each other, Nearic points to a lit up doorway across the room, then to his injured arm, and Dan nods in understanding.

Nearic calls out, "I'll wait for you there, just hurry it up!"

Dan nods, "You got it!"

The pistons rise again, and the brothers traverse them, quickly making it to the next room. By the time Dan arrives, Nearic is already dropping his backpack in haste. Dan rushes over as Nearic sits down, panting heavily under stress as he pulls his backpack in front of him, pulling out Ziplock bags of several things: Antiseptic towelettes, gauze pads, gauze rolls, and several rolls of transparent medical tape. HE also pulls out a bottle of alcohol and a small suture kit. Dan grimaces, he knows exactly what's going to happen next, and he's not happy about it.

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