Gunshot (Chapter 8)

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To answer the question above I would get the hell out of there, becuase I know will 100% die, and call my grandma from china and my cousins to beat their ass if I am in trouble.

What would you do if ya'll were in this situation?



(3rd person POV) 

The three boys stared at the painting for a long time, there mind was so focused on the piece of art not eveing hearing their father's call them. 

'How did she paint so well and so different?' Thought Weimar

'Wow, she must be porfessional, how did she do it?' Thought Soviet

'I would LOVE to meet her in person Mr. Bartel said she jaust came by yesterday!' Third was litteraly screaming in his mind. 

- Meanwhile outside-

The old countries were talking about their normal life, France told the Central powers that they went to a bar yesterday night to get a drink. He told everyone that America challenged Luxembrouge in a drinking challenge and gave up on his 4th bottle, everyone started to laugh expect America whose eyes were twitching silightly. Luxembrouge was about to make it worse until America said that a child somehow even beat him drinking the hardest alcholo in tht bar. Everyone grew silent, Bulgaria asked if that was a joke and Luxembrouge shook is head as a no. Austria-Hunagry then chipped in saying that a child can do better than him, the laughter started again and America's face grew red in embarassment. The tall German saw Ottoman laughing at America with the rest of them and though of an idea, G.E then said that a little girl wearing a strange bag kicked Ottoman bettween the legs and he almost cried. The Ottoman Empire turned to look at the tall empire glaring at him, America started to laugh and so did the other country. After a few laughter it's time to go to the Central Power's home, R.E called for his and G.E's son saying it's time to go. There was no respond, so they waited for a bit, maybe they are coming right now or  busy. They waited for 10 minutes and still no sigh of the three boys, strange so the countries entered the store and found the boys staring at the same painting for the past  15 minutes. The German Empire coughed gaing the three boy's attention, the boy's body stiffens at the sudden appearence of their fathers. 

"We had been waiting for the past 10 minutes for you boys to come out, Reich you seen the paintings here all the time and you have never been this distracted by them." said G.E who is confused with both of his son's behavier. 

"Vater, look at this painting its so different from the rest, I never seen this type of art anywhere." (Father) said Third pointing at the picture on the wall.

The countries all looked at it and admit they never seen such art in their home country or here until now. 

"J'avoue que ce tableau me procure une sensation étrange." ( I admit that this painting gives me a strange feeling.) said France. Third and Weimer turned to France since they don't understand French.

Soviet and his father were doing a mini staring contest, until Mr. Bartel came out of the drawing and was surrpised to see the countries are here. He was about to say something when Courtney came into the shop, She had her hat on covering her face. Her apearence was noticed by the 12 countries. Courtney just came by to thank Mr. Bartel for letting her paint here and she handed him a beer because he said that he like to drink beer in one of their conversation. Courtney was about to leave until Mr. Bartel stopped her, saying there is someone he would liek her to meet. The group of people caught her attention and was startled. Courtney tried to get out of the incoming mess telling him that she needs to go somewhere very soon, but Mr. Bartel said it won't be long and lead her to the group of countires. He introduced Courtney to the countries telling them that she was the one that painted the beautiful picture. Third didn't know how to react, the person he wanted to meet who he thought is an artist is actually a woman younger than him. 

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