A child of somebody (Chapter 18)

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(3rd Person POV)

Courtney was prepared for a harsh kick on the door, but instead it was a gental knock. Courtney didn't make a noise, there was mubbled behind the door making Courtney it was the same demons haunting her at night. Another knock was heard and Courtney still stayed silent, she locked the door making it click. The countries heard the sound and started to shout telling her to unlock the door, the harsh banging on the door scared the poor girl. Courtney covered her ear and looked in the mirror, she stared at it and soon there was a crack on it. She backed away and the mirror cacked even more and it shatter, the glass blew everywhere. Some of the pieces hit her body, only small cuts. It stinged pretty bad, the countries heard the glass break and was more worried and started to try to kick the door open. Courtney rushed to the bathroom and rebandaged her self. There were dried blood on her head so she quickly cleans it missing a few spots, the door soon was open as Courtney hid under the bed. 

"¿Donde esta ella?" (Where is she?) asked the Spainish country. 

 Courtney only saw mulitple shoes, still unsure if they are the countries or demons. Courtney wispered Azreal's name and a blue light was glowing around the door. Courtney counted down and got out under the bed and speed run out of the bed room, she saw both the counties and few demons. The light guided her down the stairs and to the kitchen, Courtney knows that the demons were following her. She went in to the kitchen and entered the supply room, knowing that Alex is here somewhere. She looked around and he is no where the suppily room was pretty big so maybe she isn't lookng hard enough.  Courtney remember that when ever she doesn't see Dorthey, Courtney would press a key and she would apear behind her somehow. Courteny started to look through boxes hoping that would attract Alex, she felt a tap on her shoulder and turned around.

"Looking for something, Courtney?" asked Alex. Courtney hugged him and told him about her nights. 

"Please they are here, the countries don't seems to see them. Prussia thinks I'm crazy but I am not." cryed Courtney. Alex hugged her and the room started to become cold, as he calmed her down.  

"I'll be here when ever you need to find something, and don't worry I believe you." He patted her head as her heart started to slow down. 

There were noises in the kitchen now. The countries knows she is somewhere in th kitchen, they asked the cheifs if they had seen Courtney run around here? The cheifs said that she went into the supply room and didn't come out, there was also another voice heard with her. Bulgaria thanked them and silently went to the supply door, the other contries followed his lead. G.E was also there watching everything, Rectangle talked to him in his mind but he didn't listen to anything. Wispers were heard in the room, they heard Courtney's and another man's voice. 

 "I'll try to protect you, you can stay with me in here and leave whenver you want." The man's voiced said in a soothing tone. 

Out of curiosity Bulgaria quickly opened the door. The room was dark filled with crates and shelves of spices. Courtney was sitting on one of the crates holding onto Alex, who is looking at the countries. In Courtney's eyes she did see the countries but she also saw a total of three demon's in the room. Alex also could see the demons and pulled her back as one of the countries started to walk down the steps. 

"Are you okay Courtney?" asked Britian, becuase of the dark lighting he couldn't see her wounded state.

"Don't you see them? There is one right next to you." shouted Courtney. Britian turned his head both sides seeing nothing. 

"It must be your imagination Courtney, come on lets go up it's oddly cold here." guestured Britian, Courtney held onto Alex. 

"I'll only go of they would leave me alone." She said. The countries were wondering who she is mentioning. 

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