No name(Chapter 31)

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(???? POV)

"Are you sure about this?" asked the tall woman infront of me. "You might die in there, who knows which time line it will bring you to."

I thought for a moment before replying.

"I am sure of this, and you will get your payment." I said in like a boss tone "When will you be finish?"

"Uh depends, if I have the resouces then I'll call you asap, sounds good?" The woman smilied at me

"Yes, try to be quick I fear my friend is in danger."

I walked out of the small house and started to head back in my family house, it was a big house bigger than my last one in America. I had so many friends there, but here not so much everybody is mostly speaking French and I don't  know French at all. My parents are forcing me to take French class, mainly my mother. My French class starts at 4 right now its 2:13, lots of remaining time to have on a friday.

(Courntey's POV)

Cold, how else am I suppose to discribe the bedroom I am in instead of fear? After all, this room is always cold, doesn't matter if its summer or the hottest weather outside. I haven't gone out my room for the past what 2 days? After the event in the church, I don't feel safe with the countries anymore and spending most of the time in the bedroom I woke up in. The countries would try to get in contact with me from time to time, I would either not say anything or simply tell them to leave me alone. I would take my chances in this cold room than face those would put me on death row, somehow I surrived the electric chair I don't know how.

Fear is the only emotion I am feeling, yep this world had changed me a lot now. I use to be so different, having the energy to do anything and now for two days my ass is glued to the bed hiddding away from the outside. The servants would come by the room to drop off food for me,  which usauly I wouldn't eat it. I told one of the servants to quit trying to leave breakfast for me, but he said he was orderd to do so by his empror. I bet it's either Prussia, Rectangle or G.E, Rectangle would be the one that I would mostly hear on the otherside of the door, I started to fear him more than Prussia.

The only ones I see, were my "brothers" the four of us would only have small talks before leaving. They told me that my school is reopening and so I should go tommorw.

"I'll walk you there like usual." said Soviet "And if you want I can stay with you during school."

"That would be nice, thx Sovie."

Soviet smilied at before turning back towards me. "Did you just call me Sovie?"

"Haha, welp do you perfer Onion better?" I questioned

"No, Sovie is deffently better."

"Okay, anyway Ich bin bit bored, what should ve do?" asked Third "Letz go out, Courtney du have to get out of thiz room, it's freezing."

"I'll only go out until you fix your english." I laughed

"Englisch iz hard, it'll take me yearz!" whined Third

"But Third is correct, you need to get under the sun it will give you a better mood." said Weimar "Comeon lets go out."


Without warning the three countries dragged me out of the room and forced me out of the door. Soviet picked me up and placed me on his shoulder and the three went downstairs and out the door. I saw a glimps of the others, I saw A-H talking with Britain discussing about tea. My eyes met R.E's, he was talking with Otto, Rectangle, G.E and HRE. I broked the eye contact and tried to tell Soviet to put me down. Once we are out of the house under the sun, Soveit dropped me and wouldn't allow me to go back inside, not that I want to anyway.

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