Class fight (Chapter 26)

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(Third person POV)

Courtney and Soviet talked while walking back home, they mainly talked about each others day. Soviet told him that his dad taught him some things about Countries, their leaders and all. Courtney didn't say much about her day, she said the classes were alright. It was hard for her because no one understood her, her school only speaks German. When they reached the house, Soviet unlocks the door and allowed Courtney in first. Chocolate heard the door opens and as she saw Courtney came in, she jumped off the couch and dashed into her arms.

"I also missed you, Chocolate." Said Courtney in her childish voice

"Third and Weimar should be on their way back by now, do you want to eat anything?" Asked Soviet

"I am good thank you." smiled Courtney

Soviet nodded and walked away to make something for Weimar Third and himself. Courtney remembered that she had homework so she rushed upstairs to do them, and also call Erick. school should be over for him right now, Courtney closed her door and layed her homework on her desk. She took out her phone and called Erick's number, there was a waiting sound until a voice was heard on the other side.

"Hello?" asked Erick

"Hey buddy." Courtney leand on her chair

"Oh hi Courtney, do you need any help on things?" he asked

"Yeah just some homework, they are in German." said Courtney

"You don't even know German." laughed Erick "How will you do it?"

"I think I got powers when I came here." Courtney explained

She told him a bit more, saying that she somehow how could understand any languages and different writings. Erick listend and asked if she could also speak thoses languages, which Courtney said no. The two started to dig into their homwork asking eachother whenever they need help. Courtney's homework was very hard, they were asking collage questions, Erick was having trouble explaining the words. On the last two questions they were stuck, the two were sharing a single brain cells now.

"You know more math than me Erick, please help." Courtney begged

"I don't know what that word means in English." responded Erick

"Man you know more english than me, and I cam from China so I am terrible at it." cryed Courtney.

"Bish I am not born in America, I am Polish!" yelled Erick

"I know."

"We are terrible in school man." said Erick "And somehow we are passing in our class."

"Ugh, I just want to finish this." groaned Courtney

Chocolate came walking in and jummped onto Courtney's leg. Courtney had already told Erick about the cat she found, she put Erick on facetime to show Chocolate. Erick complimented Choco's fur and eyes, soon they started to make jokes laughing very loudly. R.E was walking by and heard Courtney's giggle and another voice. He knocked on her door and the voice stopped talking and the door was opend.

"Oh hi R.E, you need something?" Courtney asked

"I thought I heard another voice in your room." explained R.E "So I came to check on you."

"Oh no it was just me, you know voice changing and all." chuckled Courtney. "By the way do you know German?"

"Yes I do, not fully but a good amount of it."

"Oh good becuase I am stuck on the last two questions."

Courtney let R.E in her room, it was clean. Even R.E couldn't even make his room this clean, he saw Courtney next to the desk taking a sheet of paper. She handed it to him and R.E scanned through it, he corrected the mistakes she made and helped her on the problems. R.E brought another chair and the two worked together as Choco layed on the side of the window, watching the Russian country. Soon after they are done with it and Courtney was getting tired, she couldn't keep her eyes open. R.E carried her sleepy body to her bed, he pulled the bankets over her. R.E was also tired after a long day of paperworks and meetings, he layed next to Courtney and soon also fell into a slumber.

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