Eyes (Chapter 27)

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(Courtney's POV)

The door was open when I got to the house, the lights in the room were all on. I saw one of the empires sitting on the couch reading, the book they were reading dropped and I saw it was Ottoman. He saw the state I was in and went to get a blanket for me, I kept my head low so he won't question the bruises and marks on my face.

"You should take a shower." he said.

I nodded slowly and went upstairs, I was really cold and the thought of a warm shower was great. I turned on the shower and got undressed. The water was warm, I closed my eyes and let the water drop on my face. I removed the bandage that covered my eye, and begane to wash myself. After the good shower I dried my self and changed into another outfit. I checked my right eye the bathroom mirror incase there was the strange liquid flowing out. There isn't any but just in case I covered my eyes with the extra bandages left on the sink. I placed my hat on my head and went out with Chocolate follwing me from the bed. I walked down the hallway and heard a whisper next to my ear.

The paper

What the heck? I turned around side to side, no one is near me. Maybe its just me, must have gotten sick being out in the rain for too long. I went downstairs feeling a bit nauseous, Third and Weimar came back as Soviet was on the couch next to Otto. Soviet saw me and let out a sigh of releif. 

"Courtney thank the lord I thought I lost you." Soviet started to shake me "I was so scared!"

"Okay, okay chill my brother." I said "The school let us out early so I just walked back, I couldn't realy tell you."

"I see." Soviet let go of me, and I rubbed my shoulder where he gripped a bit to tight.

I kept my head low, but also tried not to make it look like I am hiding something. I got an excuse to go back upstairs for homework. I grabbed my backpack which is surrpiseing still dry and went upstairs, I layed my work on my desk and digged into it. This time the question were easy, I went through them quickly.

The Paper Will Be Your Fate

It's that whisper again talking about a paper. What paper will be my fate, Fortune cookies? A knock was heard on the door, Chocolate was resting on the bed. I opend the door and found a figure infront of my door, though this time it's not the top hat man. It has to pointy hands and it's mouth were split open, kinda like Rectangle. It pounced on me throwing me back on the ground, Chocolate also pounced at the shadow figur but slid of. The thing started to choke me, I saw more hands started to come out of his body and were holding me down. I couldn't breath, my vision started to get very blury. Then a bright flash of blue light came hitting the shadow figure, I was able to breath now. I started to gasp for the much needed breath, I looked to my side and saw the shadow demon getting up. I reached my arm out and soon shards of sharp weapons hit it, knives, blades, swords and ect you get it. My head started to hurt, I watched as the demon's body started to dissapear. A hand was layed on my shoulder, I looked back and noticed a bright blue figure. I couldn't see its face, it has a light blue outline of it's body, the figure held a sword and it had a pair of wings.

"Hello Courtney."

I know that voice, I haven't heard it for a long time. I rushed up to the bright figure to hug it, but only felt air. I paused as the figure took a few step back.

"A-Azreal?" I studdered "Is that you?"

"Yep the one and only, Azreal the gaurdian of-" He paused for a moment "Nothing really right now, I don't have a title yet."

"Where had you been? I have been trying to talk to you."

"Something is stopping me from communicating to you, but I found a way out." He looked at the direction where the shadow demon was. "Just in time too."

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