Action #2

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Chapter 15

Preist: Ah hello my firend Prussi what brings you here?

Prussia: Her *gestured towards Courtney*

Courtney: Hello~ *Smiles creeply*

Priest: HOLY #%^$@#&%! *Pulls out a cross*

Courtney: That is not going to work buddy


Chapter 16

Prussia: Okay who wants to sign the paper right now?

Everybody raised their hands expect Rectangle

Bulgaria: She needs to be cured right now

Courtney: WHAT WHY?!

France: There is a demon in your mind

Courtney: I AM NORMAL

Author: SHUT UP!

Everyone: sorry HS (Happy-Soup)

Chapter 17

Courtney: I was just talking to Dorthey


France: Do you want the gallotien?

KoF looks back at her son

KoF: Why did I think to was a good idea to keep him.

France was offended

Chapter 18

G.E: I smell blood Prussia

Courtney: Uh ha! I knew it you are a Shark.

G.E: No I am not a stupid shark

Courtney: Then why is your teeth so sharp, and you can literally smell blood.

G.E: Your the one to talk, look at your own teeth!

Courtney: They look fine to me.

G.E smacked his face.

Chapter 19

Courtney: Check out this thing I found on the tree.

Weimar, Soviet and Reich gathered around.

Weimar: It's just a compass?

Third: Wait what are those words on the back?

Courtney flipped it over.

Courtney: S%*^ I don't know

The countries behind the stage heard her

S.E: Young lady no cussing

Courtney: I identify as a knife :)

Everyone turned toward her, with a look.

Chapter 20

Everyone was panicking because Third wasn't showing any sign of life.

Erick: Do we have to revive him?

Courtney: Duh of course it's in the script, why?

Erick: Just very scared of him

Stuck in HISTORY | Book 1| ❤(Countryhumans )❤Where stories live. Discover now