Night (Chapter 17)

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(3rd person POV)

"What is going on here?" asked R.E who is staring at his tied up son. "Советский?"  (Soviet?)

The young boy stayed silent, embarassed that he lost against someone younger than him. Tr and Weimar were frozen in place itching to move, but something is keeping them still. Coutrney stared at the countries that came downstairs, having no idea what to do. Courtney let go of the ropes and helped Soviet up, Weirmar untied the ropes. 

"We were just playing around, Soviet was the sheiff trying to save me and Third and Courtney was the evil person." Courtney held out a quick thumbs up after Weimar finished his short story. 

The countries nodded, some didn't believe his story. The countries was about to leave and mind their own binuess. Courtney saw KoF and remember what she promised to Dorthey. Courtney pulled Soviet up and ran up to the French country, KoF turned around and smiled. Before Courtney could say anything KoF patted her head and fell in love with the girl's personality. KoF liked Courtney and they talked for a bit, KoF was speaking in French and was surrpised that Courtney could understand her. She asked if she was from France catching Prussia's attention, he forgot to ask her that question. Courtney said she could understand every language but can't speak it, not denying KoF's guess that she if from France. KoF was very happy to hear that, France never seen his mother that happy, Framce was happy that Courtney was making KoF happy without knowing. He soon left but paused when he heard a name he thought would never come up again. 

"Also Dorthey asked me to tell you that she is very thankful to you for being her friend and helping her arrageing a date with her husband." Said Courtney making to two French countries freeze. "She also loved the dress you gave her, it was lovely." 

Courtney bowed and walked back to Weimar, Third and Soviet. KoF was left speechless, France stayed quiet. Prussia and a few others was confused with what had happend, Britian came in the room with America. France watched as Otto and Bulgaria asked A-H if he wants to play poker and soon G.E joined as well. The countries all went into the dinning room ans settled down, G.E was the judge watching the countries play. KoF and some others didn't join so they also just watched, KoF was very silent during the game. Britian took a sip of his tea eyeing KoF, America was next to KoF cofusing on his cards. KoF's silent was enough for Britan to know something had happend. 

"Your silent today a bit to silent, what happend?" asked Britian taking another sip of tea.

The countries were to focused on their game not listening to Britian's conversation. KoF brushed it off but this time Britian wasn't going to let it go and kept staring at her. KoF knows he isn't going to let to go, she wispered the words that Courtney told her. Britian spat out his tea catching the other's attention, he got a rag and started to clean it up. Britian asked KoF if she was sure that was who Courtney was talking about, KoF nodded making the British country pale. 

"There are a lot of Dorthey's in the world what if it's another friend of yours?" Suggested Britian.

"Je n'ai qu'un seul ami qui s'appelle Dorthey." (I only have one friend called Dorthey. ) said KoF. Every countries looked at her confused exepct France.

The game was wrapped up with A-H winning the whole pot.  Dinner soon arrived and everyone was seated the cheifs brought them their food and every one digged in. The Weimar and Third were the first ones to finish and G.E allowed them to leave, Soviet also finished but waited for Courtney. Once Courtney finished her rice they were also allow to leave, she told Soviet to go ahead and went to one of the chefs. Courtney thanked them and also asked them to thank Alex  for her since he was the one who helped her find the peppers. The chef shakly nodded and Courtney left the room. Prussia noticed the cheif's strange behavior, but decided to let it go for now, he waited for everyone to finish before asking Kof why she was so silent. Kof started to explain the whole situation saying that Dorthey was a dead friend of hers. 

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