Football (Chapter 20)

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(Courtney's POV)

I swear on my life that my mother's compass is possessed. Each time I placed it on top of my desk to somehow manages to walk to the edge of the desk and fall off. I putt salt, brass around it incase a demon was trapped in it. The room was somehow a bit warmer now, and I didn't get attacked or hear voices on my head. May be it's the compass that is blocking the demons for getting into me, and it's trying to help me. If it's is helping me why is it trying to leave? A strange compass it is, I should put it on my desk just incase. I got under my bed sheet and soon dozed off to a void.

Time skip⨠⨠

"Courtney are you awake?"

The knocking woke me up, I asked who is it and the person on the other side said they were A-H. I checked the time and it was 7:32 pm, shoot how did I get up so late? I jumped of the bed and told A-H that I'll come out soon, I went to brush my teeth and picked out my today's outfit which is just a black t-shirt and a sweat pants. I also grabbed my jacket incase I am cold, I rushed in the bathroom and brushed my teeth and washed my face to wake myself up. I opens my door and saw A-H waiting for me.

"Uh why were you waiting for me?" I asked.

"Oh, because since everyone was busy I was assigned to watch over you." He said.

"Are you going to be like HRE?" I asked "He made me sit on a chair for the whole time while he read."

A-H laughed and asked if I was serious, I nodded. We walked downstairs and nobody was their, I asked A-H where they all went and he told me not to worry about it. I hate it when they do that, saying that you don't need to worry or you'll see soon. I forgot my compass so I told A-H that I'll catch up to him and rushed back upstairs toward me room. I opened my drawer and noticed that my compass was not there. Where did it go? I looked around my room until I saw a red light under my bed. I looked under and saw that it is my compass, I crawled under the bed and picked it up and went back downstairs, A-H was sitting on the couch reading a book. A funnel joke came up to mind, but I don't want to say it right now.

"Oh your back what did you forget?" Asked A-H

"It's just a compass that I found yesterday on a tree." I said

I showed him the golden compass, he inspected it and when I placed it on his hands it burned him. He let out a yelp and dropped it on the couch, I was confused. I asked if A-H was okay, and I brought him an ice pack. If I pick it up will it also burn me? I slowly reached for it and took it of the couch, nothing happened the compass is not biting me. So why did it burn A-H when he touched it, I asked A-H if he can touch it one more time to see if it will burn him again. A-H place his left hand which is green on top of the compass, nothing happened for a moment until he quickly look his hands back again and it burned him.

"How is it burning me, but not you?" He asked.

I shrugged, why didn't it burn me? Is it because I am a Angelo and there is a curse like if you are not an Angelo then this compass will burn you? What is so important about this compass though, it seems like a regular one to me expect when it was glowing red somehow, but then it might have been my imagination. I shoved the compass in my sweat pants and help A-H up.

"So what do you want to do?" He asked me.

"Can we go outside?" I asked him

"I don't know about going outside, how do I know you won't just run away?" Asked A-H

Why am I so important that I can't even go out? What do they need me for?

"I don't know, I am just so bored here so I want to go out." I said "And also why won't you guys let me leave? What do you want from me?"

Stuck in HISTORY | Book 1| ❤(Countryhumans )❤Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora