Unexpected Phone call (Chapter 21)

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(3rd person POV)

G.E doesn't know what to do, he just warmed Courtney up and now she turned back into an ice cube.

"She is freezeing again." said G.E

"What do you mean?" asked R.E "I just saw you warm her up plus your coat is on her."

"Ich weiß nicht."(I don't know) said G.E "Something is up, should we take her to a hospital vater?" (Father)

Prussia thought for a moment then shook his head. They were almost back home, HRE and A.E can help better than strange doctors. The drive was silent and by now Courtney have three coats on her, R.E's coat was the warmest and Prussia 's coat was on top of it. Even with all the three country's coats she is still shivering and cold, the three country's though she might be sick. Their house soon came to veiw, they woke up Rectangle and told him they have arrived. Rectangle was about to get up but then he saw Courtney under R.E, G.E and Pruissia's coats. Rectnagle removed the layerd coats and unbuckled them, he woke Courtney up saying that its time to go. Courtney got out the car holding the thre three coats, and just to tell you they are heavy. Rectangle tried to help carrying it, but Courtney said that she can handle it and she did. Courtney went to the three countries and handed them back their things, R.E took his coat back and wrapped it around Courtney. The weight of the Russian country's coat was hard to walk normal with it, to R.E it's just a normal coat but to Courtney is felt like carring a bag full of bricks. Rectangle picked her up and carried her into the house, the door was unlocked since no one is dumb enought to even enter a country's house. Rectangle entered the living room and set her down next to Ottoman and HRE.

"Hey isn't that R.E's coat?" asked Ottoman

"Yeah it is." said Courtney "But I don't know why he put it on me, I don't feel cold or anything."

"You don't feel cold?" questioned G.E.

"No, I don't feel cold right now."

"But in the car you were freezeing!" said G.E "I felt you hand and it was cold like a ice cube."

Otto asked if he can touch her hand, Courtney allows it and when the country placed his hands over her hand it numbed his fingers somehow. She was indeed colder than Anarctica itself, Ottoman asked G.E if she needs to see a doctor. Courtney heard the word doctor and the memory of the crazy one trying to insert needles in her was back. G.E was thinking about it, but he asked if HRE could help her. HRE said that he doesn't know if he can fully help Courtney to bring her back a normal temperture. While the older countries were talking, Courtney's eyes wandered around the room. She then spotted a woman in a light blue dress with some flowers on it. It was Dorthey

 It was Dorthey

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"Hello Courtney." greeted Dorthey "I want to ask if you can play a song for me today, its a specaial day for me."

"Sure why not, its kinda boring listening to them talk." giggled Courtney

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