Chapter 3

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Fifty five minutes passed and George's mother started to wake up. Mike looked at her as he stopped walking and George stopped the moment that Mike had stopped. "What is it?" George asked. Mike turned to him and said, "we need to sit down a minute." They sat down on the pavement as there were no benches. "Like you said..." George paused, "we need to keep going." "It's your mum." She tried lifting her head up, but she moved her head backwards. "What happened?" she couldn't remember what happened when she fell asleep next to George. "You were sleeping and I wasn't able to wake you up, so Mike decided to carry you." She opened her eyes and Mike helped her to stand. "Are you ok?" He asked while helping her up. "I'm fine" she replied. "Let's keep going." They stood up and kept on walking.

George suddenly stopped walking and said, "mum..." she turned to face him and asked worryingly, "what is it George? What can you see now?" he closed his eyes and saw the man he kept visualising. "It's that man again." She walked towards him and held him tightly in her arms. "Do you know where he is?" Mike asked as he walked towards them. "He's nearby. There's nothing we can do. He'll find me and kill me." He opened his eyes and Mike was in front him. "Not unless I kill him first. I don't want to push you, but can you sense how near he is to us?" he closed his eyes again and saw that he wasn't far away and he said, "he's very close. There's no way we'll escape." He opened his eyes and saw the worried look on Mikes face.

George looked at his mother and whispered, "I'm scared." Mike understood what he was going through. "It's ok to feel that way George." He then glared at George's mother and explained, "this is what I felt like when I was his age. It's not a good feeling, but it's normal for someone to feel like this when someone is after them." George reached his arm out to hold his mother. "I'm here for you, don't worry." She squeezed his hand to let him know she was there. Then all of a sudden, a man jumped out of nowhere. "Nice to meet you at last. George. That's your name... isn't it?" "What's it to you?" Mike asked hopefully to protect him. "I'm looking for a teenage boy named George. The boy who's been having visions of me." George's mother said, "George is..." they all looked at her, hoping she wouldn't blow it. "Is what?" he asked as if they were wasting his time. "George is living far away. He's just moved."

The man was impatient. "Thanks for letting me know," he said sarcastically. "My name is Jack by the way. If I find out you're covering for him... you know what will happen." He then started to walk away from them when George's mother whispered a question to Mike. "What happens if he does find out?" "Kill. He'll kill us and then take who he wants and kill him afterwards." George gulped with fear. When Jack was out of their sight George stepped to the side and said quietly yet worryingly, "that was close." He shut his eyes again and said while breathing erratically, "he's coming back. He knows it's me." He kept his eyes shut when Jack charged towards them with rage. "LIARS!" he then calmed down and continued, "I'll have to kill you and then kill him later." "You're not taking... my son."

They were arguing for a few minutes when Jack grabbed something from his pocket. A freshly sharpened knife. "Put that down." Mike tried to reason with him. "Not until I get what I came for." George's mother never released him when he felt a sharp pain. He groaned, "owww." "What's wrong?" His mother held him to protect him. "It's my genes. I need to change," he whispered. "I can't hold him in much longer." She then leaned over to Mike and whispered, "he needs to change, but we can't leave you here with him. It won't be long before he's released." He replied quietly so Jack couldn't hear, "just run and I'll catch up with you. I'll buy you as much time as I can."

She grabbed George and said in a panic, "get ready George. The moment Mike distracts him, we'll start running. Okay?" he nodded and replied while calming down a little, "ok mum," as he started to cry with all of the pain he felt. Mike started to insult Jack as George and his mother started running. They ran to a nearby alley and went in between the buildings as George felt worse. His mother said, "let him out now George." His wolf was out. He leapt out of the alley and went back to hopefully save Mike. When he got back to get him, he saw Mike's body on the ground, losing a lot of blood. He then went to kill Jack when he lost the sight of him. His mother ran behind him and held pressure to Mike's wound. "We need to get you help. I can't protect him on my own."

A werewolf in danger 'a werewolf series' book 1 (completed)Where stories live. Discover now